
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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No 3 (2019)


9-15 419
The article considers the development of national innovation systems in the context of the triple helix of innovation concept, which implies the union of the state, science and business. The article considers the emergence of the Triple helix model with the justification of the main reasons and its development in the world community. A sufficiently detailed analysis of the main characteristics of the Triple helix model in practice is given. The main role is given to the state in the form of support for Research and Development, the development of science through universities, the commercialization of scientific ideas, including the use of business incubators. It is shown that in Kazakhstan the institutional spheres of the state, science, business are still in a rather fragmented state and effective interaction between them is not built. The article substantiates the use of foreign experience in the development of national innovation systems, in particular, American experience, European experience on the example of Finland, Japanese, Chinese experience (as generally in Southeast Asia). With the use of certain methods of the Triple helix model, it is possible to develop Kazakhstan’s innovation system in a proactive way. Science, business and government, in addition to their traditional functions, should be more active in acquiring new functions that are common to other participants in the innovation system.
16-22 705
The article deals with innovative types of business model. The authors substantiate the conclusion that the business model and management structure of enterprises should be changed so that the innovative organizational culture and thinking inherent in open business models become an integral part of the corporate governance system. The need to create an innovative business model is explained by the fact that enterprises often manage to create a new product, but it does not bring the desired income. Moreover, it may even be unprofitable, and the enterprise postpones the invention to better times. However, it happens that other companies, offering a similar product later, become commercially successful. This may be due to the fact that, firstly, the company did not think about creating a market for a new product, which turned out to be too expensive or too complicated for potential buyers at that time. Therefore, when creating a new product, the company should carefully think about ways to promote a new product to potential consumers. Secondly, it is necessary to move to a new business model, which is the possibility of using technology in a completely new market, for example, military technology in the production of goods for the population. The business model should also be linked to in-house innovation processes. The choice of an adequate business model can significantly affect the ability of enterprises to successfully commercialize new products or services. The prospects for the development of the business model are considered as a long-term direction of structural policy in the field of science and business, and to ensure the overflow of investment in innovation.
23-29 221
In this article problems of domestic business effectiveness are considered. For the evaluation, the rating data on the favorable business environment “Doing Business” was used. It was revealed that in many respects Kazakhstan occupies rather high positions, but there are also some problem points. Thus, the focus should be on the problems of international trade, obtaining loans and connecting to the power supply system. This is due to the fact that according to these indicators the greatest time and money expenditures are noted. To determine the optimal recommendations for minimizing these shortcomings, a comparison is made with the leading countries in the rating of ease of doing business, such as New Zealand, Denmark, Korea, Norway, USA, Sweden, United Kingdom, as well as with the strategic partner in the framework of the Single Economic Union - the Russian Federation. Such comparisons helped to identify actions that can significantly improve the place of Kazakhstan in the “Doing Business” rating in three of these parameters. Thus, it is believed that in order to increase the investment attractiveness of domestic business, it is necessary to strengthen government regulation on the identified problem indicators, as well as to take into account positive international experience in overcoming and minimizing the weaknesses of doing business in the country.
30-34 189
In the presented article issues of increasing the effectiveness of domestic business which can be estimated by several parameters are considered. Among these parameters, profit and its dynamics over time, the share in the country's gross domestic product, the number of enterprises and their dynamics, the conditions for doing business, the level of competitiveness of business units, etc., are singled out. The article analyzes the contribution of small and medium-sized businesses over a period of ten years, which showed that the share of registered small and medium-sized businesses was increased. This is explained by positive economic trends, which led to an increase in the entrepreneurial activity of the population, the creation of conditions for expanding the areas of private capital application, the development of public-private partnership relations, the improvement of the legislative framework, etc. The data on the costs of public-private partnership projects in the whole country and separately for its regions, the data on tax revenues from the activities of domestic entrepreneurs are given. Nevertheless, there is still a need to strengthen the control functions of public administration, excluding the misuse of investment resources, the inclusion of uncivilized shadow mechanisms that divert investment resources from the main directions of economic modernization that will give the national economy a new postindustrial look that will solve the problems of increasing competitiveness.
35-38 254
This article discusses the theoretical aspects of the organization of exhibition activities from the point of view of marketing. In a market economy, well-organized exhibitions are one of the most effective tools to attract public attention to the organization, its activities, goods and services. Currently, the development and improvement of exhibition activities in the country is one of the important directions of the formation of the national market. In our country, much attention is paid to the provision of modern domestic products and services produced in the domestic and foreign markets. Taking into account the current situation in the country, interest in exhibition activities is growing every day. The exhibition is an integrated tool of marketing communications, which has a complex effect. Participation in the exhibition for any company, only one tool of their marketing activities. Therefore, the head of the company should make a management decision only after making a decision to participate in the exhibition, making sure that the participation and organization of the exhibition are effective than other marketing tools. The study identified the nature and place of the exhibition, the importance of effective organization and participation in this marketing event. Effective ways of organizing the exhibition are also provided.
39-44 11128
The article considers the current state of the economy of Afghanistan and determines the prospects for its development as an integral part of Central Asia. In terms of its geographical location, Afghanistan acts as a cost-effective transit corridor between the countries of Central and South Asia. Afghanistan can join regional and international trade and economic relations and export its goods and services. There is an acute shortage of domestic sources of investment in the country; therefore, foreign economic cooperation and assistance from other countries are today the most critical factors in modernizing the country's economy. In the economy of Afghanistan, it is necessary to restore those priority sectors that in the recent past were a source of revenue, as well as create new sectors that can supply resources to the foreign market. Afghanistan has great potential to attract the interest of foreign investors. Central Asian countries are interested in a long-term settlement and peace in Afghanistan, which affects their development prospects in the future. They can begin a new phase of the rediscovery of frozen, postponed opportunities and hidden prospects of Afghanistan. The similarity of Afghanistan with the countries and peoples of Central Asia is determined not only by ethnic, religious unity and similarity but most importantly, the shared values and goals of peaceful, sustainable development of the region. There will be no chance for the peaceful, long-term development of Afghanistan if there are no historical neighbours like Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan participating in this process.
45-50 289
A new paradigm of social development is considered in the article: harmony as a systemic combination of demo ethics, demography, democracy and demoeconomics. In this case, it is interpreted that the absence or lag of one of these areas means disharmony. All these spheres of social life function synchronously, interconnected and full-blooded, which is a guarantee for the consistent approach of society and its economy to the world of harmony. The distinctive features of the new interpretation of the harmony of society are reflected: a systematic approach, Islamic doctrine, the duality of society. The opposites of the socio-economic duality “harmony-disharmony” are systematized: according to their worldview, the laws of duality in society, and the features of the demoeconomy sphere (social economy). The peculiarity of the present era is the extreme aggravation and synchrony of various financial, economic, demographic crises, large-scale natural disasters and military conflicts. Only the widespread use of the paradigm, principles and laws of socio-economic harmony will successfully allow to overcome these threats as opposed to the existing ideology of confrontation of countries. The particularly important role in the duality of the basic economic law of the elevation of spiritual needs is emphasized. The contradictions between the world of harmony and the world of disharmony are resolved in an evolutionary way through the development of education, science and education, without radicalism, terror and bloodshed. The role of the scientific heritage of Kazakhstani scientists in the formation of modern economic thought is considered.
51-56 329
Questions of ensuring personnel safety of the industrial enterprise are considered in article. The audit and analysis of personnel safety of JSC "Ust-Kamenogorsk Titanium and Magnesium Plant" was conducted. Recommendations are given on ensuring the personnel security of the enterprise. Based on the fact that the reliability of an enterprise’s personnel is a function of the methods of its formation it is suggested improve the quality of personnel input control. When staffing a corporation, it is recommended to use the recruitment method. When managing personnel, it is recommended to use such tools as the formation of a personnel reserve, horizontal or vertical rotation of personnel, training, redistribution of duties to increase (reduce) the load. Recommendations are given on the conduct of general and private prevention of the negative consequences of the actualization of threats to the personnel security of an enterprise. The main types of general preventive measures to ensure personnel security are: professional and psychological selection of candidates for work in the company; group briefings; lectures and seminars; group trainings. When implementing private prevention, the following methods should be used: individual briefings and interviews, individual training of employees in emergency situations; identification of employees at risk; interviews with employees whose activities are detrimental to the interests of the corporation. It is advisable to monitor the personnel security system by two indicators: the average monthly wage and the turnover rate.
57-62 550
The article discusses the essence, principles, structure of personnel management. The authors outline the main factors affecting the personnel management process. Human resources management is recognized as one of the most important areas of the enterprise’s life, capable of repeatedly increasing its efficiency. The personnel management system provides continuous improvement of methods of working with personnel and using the achievements of domestic and foreign science and the best production experience. Research in the field of personnel management for a long time was carried out fragmented, because these processes took place within the framework of various sciences: economics, psychology, sociology and other sciences.Therefore, the creation of an interdisciplinary theory of personnel management is considered an urgent task.Any modifications in personnel management are aimed at solving specific problems, in accordance with the development strategy and mission of the organization, but it is impossible to calculate the exact final result that they cannot lead to due to existing risks related to changes in HR management, namely, the provocation of conflict situations, associated with the opposition of employees and their rejection of innovation. In the course of the analysis, the authors highlighted the main points that affect effective personnel management.
63-67 310
Since the beginning of the Bronze Age, gold has become a symbol of strength and wealth; it is easily processed and has a brilliant yellow color that is not lost under normal conditions and occupied a special place in the history of jewelry. Currently, the jewelry industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Despite the unfavorable situation in the world, the jewelry industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world. Currently, the jewelry industry in Kazakhstan is in a state of complete stagnation. Kazakhstan, as a country that is among the world's top ten gold owners, represents only 10% of all jewelry products on the domestic market, the remaining 90% comes from foreign countries exporting finished jewelry. In this regard, its intensive development should be one of the important tasks. To successfully accomplish the task, it is necessary to improve the existing and develop more efficient organizational and economic management mechanisms. The article assesses the current state of the jewelry industry in Kazakhstan. A comparative analysis of the development of this industry with developed countries is made. This article also reveals problems that hinder its development and suggest effective mechanisms for the development of this industry.
68-72 291
In modern conditions the development of the banking sector of the countries - participants of the EAEU is closely connected with the integration processes. Banking sector institutions are developing in accordance with the approved regulatory acts of the countries participating in the Eurasian Economic Union. Important and significant are the comparative analysis of the financial markets of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic and the Russian Federation. The study based on the statistical data of the countries participating in the EAEU analyzed the development of commercial banks, assets and liabilities, presented data on the representative offices and branches of each of the EAEU countries, and also carried out calculations and identified trends in their development. The prospects for the development of the financial market will largely depend on the support of the countries of the EAEU participant countries for commercial banks, the improvement of policies, the introduction of new banking services and products. The analysis showed a decrease in the number of commercial banks, and accordingly, branches and representative offices abroad, where the reason is revocation of banking licenses, the political situation, sanctions, stricter requirements of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and etc. The policy of the Central Banks of the EAEU countries is aimed at attracting new investors to commercial banks, who will improve the situation and resume lending to the real sector of the economy when the prudential standards and requirements set by regulators are met.
73-80 575
The article reviewed the current trends in the development of bank lending in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Bank credit is an effective mechanism for concentrating and flowing capital between industries, which is especially important in solving the problems associated with investing in the real sector of the economy. Banking strategy for the medium term should be based on strengthening interaction with the real sector of the economy and increasing the investment orientation of banking activities. However, under the influence of macroeconomic instability, the structure of banking assets and liabilities shows a slight impact of the banking system on economic activity and investment processes. In this regard, the purpose of the study is to determine the degree of influence of bank lending in various industries on the GDP of the Republic of Kazakhstan, taking into account the existing features and the credit potential of banks. In the process of analyzing the current state of bank lending, particular attention is paid to the central problems faced by banks and borrowers, including high credit risks, lack of long-term credit resources, low availability of loans for enterprises of the real sector of the economy. The analysis is based on statistical materials and data of the National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan and second-tier banks. As a result of the study, a multifactor model of the relationship of bank lending to industries and GDP was developed, aimed at improving the efficiency of banks' credit activities in the context of the need to ensure macroeconomic effects. Recommendations for the development of investment lending to Kazakhstan banks and increasing the availability of bank loans are offered.
81-85 242
The specifics of economic processes in the field of education, the features of the modern functional and financial conditions require conceptual understanding and creating an effective financial mechanism in the educational system which will be able to implement fully the modern economic, social and financial policy of the state. Education is an integral part of social life and the most important element of the social sphere in the state, it provides systematized knowledge and skills for each concrete person in order to use them effectively in his or her professional activities. Along with social tasks (when the population is satisfied with the level of education), education also solves economic tasks related to improving the quality of life and the growth rate of economy, also contributes to the formation of the labor potential of society. Modern educational policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan is distinguished by the desire to provide a new, higher level of educational quality in accordance with the modern challenges, moreover, it aims to set common targets for its development. The unifying idea of state policy in the field of education is the idea of sustainability, the stability of the development of education in the interests of society, the individual and the state.
86-91 323
The article is devoted to some aspects of financial risk management. The activities of economic entities entail the possibility of crises. The risk is due to the uncertainty of the external environment, our ignorance, the actions of counterparties, which are difficult to assess and predict with due accuracy. The issue of risk is of particular importance at the present stage due to the high volatility of the markets, the presence of negative consequences for the world economy, the so-called “after shock” of the global financial and economic crisis of the first decade of the 21st century. The article discusses the definition of “risk” and made a retrospective look at the development of risk management and the emergence of a new approach - Enterprise-Wide Risk Management (ERM) or integrated risk management. The article focuses on financial risk, which is one of the most difficult categories that have ambiguous understanding in the scientific community. Based on a lot of research in the field of risk management, the main characteristics inherent in financial risk, which accompanies all financial transactions and any activity, determines the alternativeness of activity, leads to a dynamic level of damage, are identified. For the successful functioning and ongoing development of all economic entities, risk management should become an integral part of the enterprise, state operation, including the identification and assessment of risks, measures to eliminate the consequences of risk situations, the mechanism of the economic entity’s survival in difficult conditions, compensatory measures.
92-95 319
The basic concept of consolidated financial reporting appeared relatively recently. As it is known from economic sources in the early 20th century, American companies were the first to use consolidated reporting. The wider use of consolidated reporting in the United States of America can be explained by the fact that all conditions were created for doing business, i.e., the absence of legal, tax and other barriers, the creation of new large corporations and holdings, large-scale processes of concentration and centralization of capital to implement a new accounting methodology. Consolidated financial reporting in Europe, compared to the United States appeared some time later. Direct link with foreign companies, having a share of foreign assets formation of the enterprises with participation of foreign capital, the emergence of various forms of activity and of financial linkages between foreign companies and demanded providing businesses information about their financial activities in a combined form, i.e. the consolidated reporting. It should be borne in mind that the issue of consolidated reporting is given special attention in the last decade, international financial reporting standards, international auditing standards and other standards relevant to foreign trade activities introduced and updated. From the above, the consolidation process is a hard and accurate work, the errors in which can lead to distortion of the company's financial data.
96-103 314
In this article the authors consider an important stage of audit planning. There are several types of analytical procedures in the audit that allow to achieve the main goal of audit planning, namely, the test of reporting to identify possible errors; testing of reporting for possible errors; horizontal and vertical analysis and "reading" of reporting; express analysis of reporting. These types of analytical procedures are discussed in the article. This classification helps the auditor to determine the direction and strategy of the audit, as well as on the basis of the strategy to develop an audit plan and determine the scope of its implementation. In addition, the division of audit procedures helps to timely identify problems in the presented information when it is disclosed in the financial statements and to determine audit risks at the substantive stage. Using analytical procedures at the planning stage of the audit allows you to create an audit program with minimal time costs, to reduce the risks of problems that are associated with lack of time and staff skills. At the stage of planning audit, after identifying inconsistencies in the forms of financial statements, significant changes in the dynamics and structure, it is possible to determine the main coefficients of the analysis of financial statements: liquidity, financial stability, turnover, profitability using the express reporting analysis method.
104-108 303
At the present stage, the conditions of the integration association of countries within the EAEU are relevant analysis of the state regulation systems of insurance markets of the EAEU member countries. This article discusses the features of state regulation of insurance markets of the EAEU member countries, identifies the common and existing specific features of the legislation of each country. It is shown that the main purpose of state regulation of insurance activities is to promote the development of the insurance market, create favorable conditions for the activities of insurance companies and protect the rights and interests of policyholders, other stakeholders and the state. Based on the analysis of the state policy in the field of insurance, the basic principles of regulation of the EAEU countries insurance markets are determined, the characteristics of the activities of the state supervision bodies of the EAEU countries are studied, significant differences in the organization of compulsory insurance are identified. Particular attention is paid to the state regulation of financial activities of insurance companies and ensure their financial stability and solvency. The directions of harmonization of legislation and regulation of the EAEU insurance markets within a single insurance space are considered. A set of measures aimed at solving problems that are fundamentally important for the creation and successful functioning of a single insurance market has been proposed.
109-113 440
Takaful is a system in which policyholders create a special insurance fund at their own expense to ensure mutual financial protection from certain adverse events in life. In case of occurrence of the specified adverse event for any of the participants, the insurance indemnity is paid from the fund, i.e. participants in the insurance fund share all risks and losses among themselves. In case of insufficient funds, the participants shall be jointly and severally liable for its coverage at the expense of their own (additional) funds. The profit of the Islamic insurance organization is formed on the basis of the type of selected management model of takaful fund.The article is devoted to the development of the Islamic insurance system in several countries. The article analyzes the experience of such states as Sudan, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia. These states are pioneers in the development of Islamic insurance. In each country, the original experience of Islamic insurance has been accumulated, there are significant differences in the legal regulation of the status and activities of insurers using the principles of takaful in their work. According to the analysis conducted in the article, the undisputed leader of Islamic insurance is Saudi Arabia, which occupies half of this market, followed by the countries of the South Persian Gulf and East Asia. According to recent analytics in the Global Directory of Takaful 2019, the total number of Takaful establishments is estimated at 306, including the Retakaful and Takaful windows offering Takaful products in at least 45 countries.
114-118 322
The article is devoted to one of the pressing topics in the fight against the shadow economy - financial monitoring in the real estate market. For examples of criminal schemes using real estate in order to legalize income obtained illegally are considered. The algorithm of financial transactions on money laundering using real estate is presented in detail. Characteristic features that distinguish one or another suspicious operation are also given. Elite foreign real estate has always been an attractive area for the legalization of criminal proceeds. In this regard, new schemes have been proposed for the “laundering” of criminally obtained funds in the foreign real estate market. The article discusses the conditions for acquiring citizenship / permanent residence in exchange for real estate investments in countries such as Turkey, Cyprus, Malta and the Caribbean. In most of these countries, a special Due Diligence audit is conducted to assess the eligibility of applicants. It involves the analysis of relevant information about a potential investor, for example, data from various international information bases, Interpol bases, anti-terrorist centers, data from the law enforcement base of the country in which the potential investor lives. So, if in Malta and Cyprus this check is very difficult to pass, then in the Caribbean there are cases of a formal approach to this procedure. As a result the programs such as “citizenship for investments” allow, under certain conditions, the legalization of proceeds from crime.
119-123 2764
This article is devoted to the relevant gender aspects of leadership: who is better in leading positions. The attitude to the term “leader” often stereotypically brings about an image of a dominating man in most people’s mind, even today. However, with changing times gender and leadership efficiency remain rather a debatable topic. Nevertheless, decreasing gender gaps globally raise important questions from managerial, economic and psychological perspectives. Are women’s leadership styles different from men? Can women be effective leaders as men in managing an organization? The purpose of this research is to analyze the gender aspect of leadership and identify characteristics of both male and female leaders in an organization. Even many studies show that there are only differences in leadership, when it comes to gender, several studies show that differences in perception, behavior and strategies may eventually change the functionality of an organization. The given study is based on the comparative analysis of various leadership styles by S. Reinemund and I. Nooyi from the PepsiCo. The findings have shown that women leaders use a more nurturing and participative method of leading an organization by giving more emphasis on communication and developing personal relationships with employees. Whereas, men tend to be more focused on tasks and hierarchy. However, there are no very significant or special effects found on leadership based merely on gender.
124-128 358
The publication of the 12th volume edition of the previously unpublished works of Mustafa Shokay, in our opinion, will significantly enrich the history of economic thought in Kazakhstan. In his socio-political activity and analytical researches, he, one of the founders of Alash movement and the leader of the Kazakh opposition to the Soviet government outside the USSR, paid considerable attention to the socio-economic processes that took place in that period in the Soviet Union in general and in Kazakhstan and the republics of Middle Asia in particular. The cooperation carried out by the Soviet government in the 20-30s of the last century was an important lever in building the socialist social system. This article discusses Mustafa Shokay’s views on this process, conducted by the dictatorship of the proletariat. The analysis of his published works on this problem, especially in Kazakhstan and the Turkestan region, testifies to his significant contribution to the theory and practice of the cooperative process, as well as how he painfully perceived the tragic consequences of the Soviet cooperation and revealed its negative aspects. In his publications, Mustafa Shokay not only reveals the negative aspects of the cooperation conducted by the Soviet government in the previously backward outskirts of the Russian Empire, but also gives concrete suggestions for achieving positive results in this process.


129-135 2012
On the territory of the Republic there are unique recreational and natural resources, objects of world and national historical and cultural heritage. The presence of a variety of tourist resources makes it possible to develop almost all major types of tourism: beach, cultural and educational, business, health, active and ecological tourism, but no region can boast of the attractiveness and accessibility of tourist facilities, which are very popular with foreign tourists. According to its recreational potential, Kazakhstan can become a real “tourist Mecca”. According to the results of the analysis, two basic components of the Kazakh tourist product were identified: cultural pilgrimage and traditional tourism on the Silk road, as well as associated eco-adventure tourism (safari, rafting, ornithological, trekking, mountaineering, hunting, fishing). In addition, a high degree of attractiveness of landscapes, accessibility, development of the territory in terms of tourism organization are characterized by the state national natural parks, existing and planned to be created, which should also be attributed to the objects of priority development. To attract foreign tourists, many approaches in this direction should be urgently revised: from the cost and timing of visas to the construction of large tourist centers of recreation and entertainment, up to the provision of high-quality services. Many government agencies and regional Executive bodies should be interested in the development of tourism, as tourism covers a huge range of services and production in various industries. Much depends on the initiative of the local authorities, on their understanding that tourism can become a source of prosperity for the region.
136-140 260
The variety of names of Ile Alatau passes has their own characteristics, peculiar character, inherent charm of each of them and, of course, they all have their own names. All mountain names, including peaks and passes, have a clear logic, are associated with the life and activities of people. They reflect the nature and characteristics of each phenomenon, its relationship with the activities of people, their customs, the continuity of their lives with nature. Unfortunately, we still have very little literature that would reveal these names. In available geographical dictionaries and reference books they can be found rarely. As a result, numerous visitors to the mountains, meeting in literature, on maps and in life the various names of geographical objects in the mountains, do not have the opportunity to learn their meaning, and therefore, to reveal their inner content, being. The proposed article is devoted to the Popov pass or secret knowledge of anthroponym. Where did the name of the pass come from? Who is Popov, after whom the pass is named? The questions are not idle. It is difficult to explain its etymology today, as the name appeared in the pre-war period about 80 years ago.


141-147 290
This article considers the strategic directions of the Eurasian Economic Union member states’ economic development, based on available resources and objective opportunities for their joint effective use. With all the turbulence and uncertainty that exist today in the world economy, the definition of the main directions for the coordination of economic policies looks extremely important and timely. In general, by 2030, the results of the economic development of the EAEU have to show the world competitiveness of the integration association. The Eurasian trend of economic integration is developing in the context of strengthening global challenges. The first stage of creation of the EAEU was accompanied by a certain growth of mutual trade in goods and services, an increase in mutual investments, which was associated with the immediate effects of liberalization and unification of customs legislation. However, in the future these positive trends in mutual trade did not continue due to a number of reasons. First, in the most important economy of the EAEU, the Russian economy, a period of steady decline in economic growth rates began, which negatively affected the overall demand parameters in the EAEU countries. Secondly, the development of industrial cooperation did not receive the necessary impetus; on the contrary, there was a contraction in the volume of trade in intermediate products. Currency fluctuations unfavorable for mutual trade were noted. There were no financial institutions set up to implement complex projects throughout the EAEU and the process of accumulating mutual direct investments has slowed down.
148-151 257
One of the effective mechanisms for attracting entrepreneurial initiative, experience and domestic investment in the social sphere are public-private partnership projects. In Kazakhstan, this mechanism has not yet been studied and the potential hidden in it has not yet been fully revealed, but its use in sectors such as housing and communal services, energy, transport, organization and implementation of infrastructure projects will give a powerful impetus to the development of the national economy. The effectiveness of interaction between public and private structures should also be involved in the construction sector in order to provide the population with comfortable and, most importantly, affordable housing. We also cannot ignore the role of public-private partnerships in the development of agribusiness, providing the population with quality services in the field of health and education, etc. As a result of the formation and development of relations between the public and private sectors, new financial mechanisms are created, property relations are undergoing significant changes, and new, improved management methods are emerging. It is very difficult to solve the problems of accelerated modernization and infrastructure development without them, in modern realities, when globalization processes generate high competition. In the conditions of crisis in the economy, Kazakhstani business aims to minimize risks in innovative projects by attracting cheaper investments in the real sector of the economy.
152-157 287
The article indicates the role of the state in all areas of society and business. It is noted that transferring to business and society part of the regulatory functions within the national economy, the state in the current conditions is developing the areas of geopolitical and geo-economics strategic planning, regulation of interethnic integration processes, ensuring national competitiveness at the global level, military-political accompaniment of national economic interests. New reality requires significant changes of the system of the state-market relations. The need to study the experience of a number of states indicating that the government played a decisive role in shaping the structures of bureaucratic and state-monopoly capitalism, allowing in a tight historical period to adopt the achievements of scientific and technological revolution from highly developed countries and complete the industrialization processes is justified. The ideology of globalization seeks to harmonize not only political regimes around the world, but also institutions, including the economic role of the state. Since the economic functions of the state depend on the income level of the national economy and on its level of development, this approach is erroneous. For modernizing countries, government policy should be directed both at pursuing national interests and attaining development goals. These tasks should be resolved not only in the sphere of the national economy, but also on the foreign policy arena.
158-163 424
Humanity has entered the XXI century, rebuilding all spheres of life under the influence of the requirements of the intellectual information revolution, which gave birth to new technologies. New resources are being created in the world to improve the quality of life of society and the competitiveness of states. Kazakhstan, striving to get out of the model of the catching-up economy, is focused on the development of a new economy, the main resource of which is intellectual capital. Information technology in the new economy will lead to the disappearance of some industries and the creation of fundamentally new industries and professions. An appropriate personnel potential is needed to create new competitive enterprises, the volume and quality of which in the country are still insufficient.There is a growing need for a scientific search for new forms and methods for the development of intellectual capital as a priority factor in the growth of competitiveness of the domestic economy in the context of technological transformation. The article shows the priority of intellectual capital in the new economy, analyzes the evolution of the ascent of mankind from the role of physical capital to the priority of intellectual capital. The study used methods such as observation and awareness of real problems, historical and logical analysis, modeling. The article substantiates that in the new economy priority is assigned to the sectors reproducing human capital: education, science, culture. Intellectual capital in the conceptual apparatus is considered as the highest stage of development of human capital.
164-168 284
The article deals with agriculture as one of the main sectors and the importance of the country's economic development. The level of development of agriculture largely determines the economic security of the country. The agricultural sector of Kazakhstan has huge potential and large reserves, which makes it promising and competitive in the global market. To improve the efficiency of the system of state regulation of the agricultural sector, it is necessary to constantly improve the competence and structure of state regulatory bodies in this sphere of the country's economy. The following areas of state support for the agricultural sector are provided: providing financial support to peasant farmers, especially novice farmers; providing financial support for the development of the agricultural sector in areas with adverse climatic conditions; consideration of the legal basis for the allocation of subventions to the regions for the rise of the agricultural sector. The need to ensure the accelerated innovative development of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan on the basis of increasing the competitiveness of the agro-industrial complex of Kazakhstan is also taken into account, reducing production costs, close integration of production, education and science to increase crop yields and productivity, development and implementation of domestic research, transfer of effective foreign technologies, training and retraining of personnel in demand in the agricultural market of the country, attracting foreign specialists and scientists.
169-173 593
This article is devoted to improving the management of social infrastructure in rural areas. The theoretical importance of infrastructure, the main ways and priorities of management of its types and importance of infrastructure in rural areas were given. Currently, the social infrastructure of the village is not fully formed in accordance with market relations. In market conditions, the development of social infrastructure in rural areas is still one of the outstanding issues. As part of the implementation of state programs, along with the improvement of socio-economic well-being of the village, the goal of achieving a high quality of life of water supply facilities through the construction and modernization of new technologies and materials, heat supply networks, activities for the construction and reconstruction, capital and maintenance of engineering infrastructure. There is still a number of shortcomings in the improvement of infrastructure in rural areas of the Mangystau district, including: low rates of structural and technological modernization of the industry, insufficient development of market infrastructure, small agricultural producers, financial instability of the industry, lack of private investment attracted to the development of the industry and infrastructure, lack of qualified personnel. The main problems of infrastructure in rural areas and ways to improve the management of social infrastructure in rural areas are proposed in the article.
174-179 342
To date, all developed countries provide comprehensive state support for the development of agriculture. Agriculture is one of the most important types of material production. The role of financing agriculture is to provide the enterprises with the necessary financial resources, which are engaged in agriculture, peasant or farming to improve their productivity. The agriculture is financed from budgets of various levels, from private investors and other financial sources. Investments are one of the necessary and significant funds in the economy of any country, since they not only provide economic growth, but also create conditions for the country's social development. In the article, definitions were given to the concepts of “investor”, “investment”, “foreign investment”. Gross inflows of direct investments from foreign investors into Kazakhstan are considered by the country and represented in the form of a diagram. The general dynamics of inflows of direct investments into Kazakhstan from foreign investors has been determined by economic activities. Types of economic activity are considered by indicators of net liabilities and assets on direct investments received by residents from non-residents of the country. The dynamics of investments in the fixed capital of agriculture, forestry and fisheries in Kazakhstanis analyzed as well as the volume of loans provided by banks to agriculture and the industry for the processing of agricultural products. In the course of the analysis it was revealed that the volume of investments in agriculture is not large enough and it is necessary to increase the investment attractiveness in this sector.
180-184 561
The article notes that the protracted global economic crisis as well as environmental, climatic, and sometimes political problems cause an increased interest in the use of alternative energy sources. In addition, at present, as a result of the use of hydrocarbon fuels, more than 50% of all harmful anthropogenic emissions into the environment, including greenhouse gases, occur.Successful implementation of the strategy of Kazakhstan to become one of the fifty most competitive countries in the world provides for the efficient use of all resources on a new, qualitative basis.The “Strategy-2050” notes the evidence of the end of the era of the hydrocarbon economy and the onset of an era, “in which human life will be based not only on oil and gas, but on renewable energy sources”. This trend is common of the entire global economy. The program documents set the task of developing the production of alternative and renewable types of energy in Kazakhstan, which by 2050 should account for at least half of the total energy consumption. Successful implementation of ambitious tasks is impossible without state support. Fixed tariffs have been approved for the supply of electricity produced by renewable energy facilities in Kazakhstan. The article presents the world experience of introducing other mechanisms of state support for the introduction of renewable energy sources, the use of which in Kazakhstan will contribute to the successful achievement of the goals set.
185-190 336
The article discusses the prerequisites for the formation of the transport industry digital platform of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the scheme of the digital platform of the transport complex, the segments of the digital platform of the transport industry of Kazakhstan. Further, it is determined that in the field of digitalization of the transport industry the main task is to ensure the technological connectivity of various market players in the organization and implementation of transportation. The transport infrastructure of Kazakhstan is defined as a link between all economic entities, between sellers and consumers in the regional and international markets. Since the state of transport infrastructure has a direct impact on the most important aspects of the country's economic development: from the competitiveness of export, which directly depends on the efficiency of the supply chain of manufacturing enterprises, to the development and application of innovative technologies. This determines the role of transport companies as a kind of source of effective demand for modern tools of the digital economy: big data analysis, artificial intelligence, blockchain, Internet of things - that is, they can be considered as a kind of engines for the formation of the digital platform of the transport industry. Therefore, it is necessary to develop mechanisms for the transition to a single electronic document management (single window system), the introduction of “intelligent transport systems” of digital logistics and electronic vehicle diagnostics systems, which will allow the transport industry to reduce costs, improve business processes and increase their transparency.
191-195 605
The role of human capital in the organizations is essential as it is a mechanism of the organization. If the company manages to hire right people and place them on the right position on the right time, the company can achieve many goals. In order to be successful in the market organizations should have very good management system that can use all their assets, capitals and employees effectively and efficiently, as well. Staff turnover is a situation at which employees leave a company and are replaced by new employees. It is costly and time consuming to hire new employees and teach them again. Staff turnover is divided into voluntary and involuntary. In the first case an employee leaves the company because of his/her wish and this is usually a loss for the organization. To prevent this, the company can provide the employee with various social benefits, etc. High staff turnover can lead to problems with staff, and the cost of staff turnover can also damage the financial position of the company. The article considers the question of whether organizational changes, staff motivation and staff training, combined, affect the turnover of the staff, for which the authors conducted a survey among employees of several companies in Almaty. Since the manufacturing sector has the highest staff turnover, this sector is analyzed and some results are revealed. The study confirmed the hypothesis that companies are able to reduce staff turnover through effective employee training programs.
196-200 615
Global value chains (GVCs) shape the new realities of production organization. Multicomponent products are designed in one country, their components are manufactured in another, and assembled at the final destination. Today, two-thirds of global trade is accounted for GVC. In this regard, World Trade Organization has proposed producing statistics on international trade on value-added basis in order to share the value that was added to product at each stage of the value chain between all of the participants. To analyze participation in GVC, it is proposed to use backward and forward participation ratios. Backward participation ratio refers to contribution made by foreign components to the value of exported product. Forward participation ratio represents to what extent local components are included into the value of foreign products. Kazakhstan demonstrates rather low backward participation ratio (about 6%) and high forward participation ratio (about 80%). It is explained by the fact that country's economy focuses on natural resources exports and occupies a leading position in primary production for GVC. Investments attracted by Kazakhstan were forwarded to the primary sectors of economy, only a small part of them was used to promote production for GVC. Automotive industry is a successful example of integration into GVC. Further analysis also shows that Kazakhstan participates in the lowest links of GVC, which calls for adoption of necessary policies and directives in order to provide conditions for various sectors of the economy to move up the value chain.
201-205 473
The article deals with the role of management in supply chain as a tool to improve the efficiency of operation. The transition of traditional management to the unification of functional management of the enterprise for the management of streaming processes. The characteristic of the efficiency of creating horizontal integration of the organizational structure of the enterprise is given. The role of management, its structure, systems and subsystems of management, the importance of decomposition of composite subsystems of management and definition of quality of management are considered. The definition of an integrated supply chain is studied, the main directions of implementation of supply chain management, such as the integration of chain participants, the creation of end-to-end material flow, the allocation of business processes of value creation and promotion of material resources and related flows. The object of supply chain management and the primary goal of supply management, its implementation on the basis of a clear understanding of goals and objectives to achieve the final result are presented. The characteristic of the formation of supply chain management system is given, which is a rational model designed or developed with the use of proven models. The characteristic of the SCOR model is studied, the characteristics of business processes are given. The shortcomings of the supply chain management system implementation as well as the development prospects are analyzed. The importance and trends of implementation in practice of domestic enterprises, supply chain management system are given.
206-212 230
The article discusses the direction and structure of financial support for small and medium-sized businesses in the Republic of Kazakhstan. In general, it can be noted that the financial support of small and medium-sized businesses from the state remains as important and necessary tools that directly affect the growth of the economy and the welfare of Kazakhstanis. Moreover, when developing, coordinating or adjusting state programs, it is proposed to involve more employees of local executive bodies and the general public. After all, they are the ones who better understand the needs of the regions, and they are more interested in solving local issues. In our opinion, along with others, all of the above factors together have led to the ineffectiveness of state support for SMEs in the Republic of Kazakhstan using the example of the Business Road Map 2020 program. Nevertheless, in Kazakhstan an infrastructure of financial support for SMEs has been created, represented by government agencies, a quasi-state sector, development institutions, international banks, investment funds, STB, microfinance organizations. Good results were achieved, for example, from the point of view of development institutions, subjects and instruments of state support for SMEs, created jobs, growth in the share of SMEs in GDP, output, growth in the number of SMEs in the country, tax revenues.It should be noted that, despite the numerous government programs for the development of small and medium-sized businesses that are being developed and adopted by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the main source of capital, according to small and medium-sized businesses, is still their own resources.
213-218 324
Increasing the enterprises innovative activity is the most important among the priority areas of economic development in the context of modern technological transformation. Kazakhstan continues to evolve in a catch-up economy model. The way «out of the rut» is possible provided that the structure of the economy will be changed through an innovative breakthrough, the creation of a venture business and the adaptation of its developments in the mass production of domestic enterprises. The issues of creating and developing venture financing in connection with the innovative development of the national economy are relevant for Kazakhstani business, but despite the growing interest of the scientific community, certain aspects remain poorly understood. This article shows the relationship between the dynamics of the innovation process and the development of venture financing in Kazakhstan. The article provides indicators comparative analysis of venture capital financing in Kazakhstan and abroad in relation to the level of innovative activity, considered factors that inhibit innovative development and venture business in the country. The study allowed the author to substantiate the hypothesis that the creation of favorable conditions in the form of tax breaks and the creation of a sound regulatory framework in the field of innovation and financing for local and foreign venture investors would be an impetus for an active inflow of funds and accelerated innovative development of the national economy.
219-223 370
The article deals with traditional and innovative methods of cost accounting and costs, their analysis in comparison with traditional methods. The article is devoted to the problem of organizations choosing the optimal method of accounting for production costs and calculating the cost of production. The classification of methods of cost accounting and costing on different grounds is analyzed. Costing methods are an integral part of the organization of production, accounting system and document management in the organization . The choice of a particular method is due to a number of factors related to the specifics of economic and production activities of the organization. One of the main factors affecting the efficiency and quality of management decisions is the choice of methods of accounting and cost calculation, the classification of games that play an important role in its implementation. It is necessary to determine the essence of the method of accounting for production costs, to determine the need for the use of opportunities based on the analysis of the essence of the methods. In those types of mass production, where raw materials go through a single technological process, the process-based cost accounting method is widespread. In industries in which the processing is divided not only into operations, but also into processes that differ in equipment used, technology, specialization of personnel involved in the technological process, location, the alternate method of cost accounting and calculation are used.
224-231 292
The issue of quality assurance and quality management at universities are bound to the intensive penetration of internationalization processes into HEIs. Barometer of successful university management is international reputation. For this end, participating in international rankings might not be the case, however, this becomes a must when it comes to international accreditation even at the national level. Furthermore, entering international markets and providing or using trans-border services require meeting international standards. Currently, it becomes impossible to create the system of quality management at the university ignoring international criteria as the methodology of self-evaluation is dependent on external evaluation of expert organizations such as rating and accreditation agencies. The article looks into the parameters of evaluating the internationalization level as one of the most crucial criteria of quality and competitiveness based on Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) and Times Higher Education (THE) methodologies. Open data analysis reveals that internationalization of research and adequate financing of R&D have a direct impact on science maturity at the institutional and national levels. Trials to found world-class universities with a high level of internationalization in isolation from the real sector of higher education and qualitative changes in it can have negative consequences for society. The discourse includes a comparative analysis and drawing some conclusions. One of them is about using internationalization as the tool towards efficient quality management at HEIs.
232-234 258
The article examines in detail the essence and content of the concept of “entrepreneurship”, which has changed and streamlined in the process of development of economic theory. In most cases, the essence of this concept is replaced by the goal of entrepreneurial activity. In the article, the author, analyzing it from various perspectives, gives the following definition, “entrepreneurial activity” is a special type of activity aimed at generating profit, which is based on independent initiative, responsibility and innovative entrepreneurial idea. Structural changes in the national economy, caused by its transition to market lines, aroused the interest of economists in the market of services, the very phenomenon of services, including educational ones. This sphere of the economy has not yet been formed. Various sources do not formulate the concept of services, including educational one. The author demonstrated the features of entrepreneurial activities in the field of education, the accounting of which helps to increase the efficiency of the functioning of institutions in a market economy.


235-241 396
The article relies innovation as an important factor in the growth of the economy based on knowledge. Strengthening the role of knowledge carried out in the context of the integration of education, science and business, focused on the regional innovation space. The author notes that knowledge today is a strategic resource. Today we are dealing not with product competition, but with intellectual one. A new content of labor of the modern employee is being formed. The growth of the efficiency of its use is formed through the mechanism: “scientific knowledge - exceptional individual competences - individual intellectual capital”. A new challenge of modernity is effective cooperation (synergy) of education, science and business as drivers of a new format of relations and competencies. They are beyond the power of a classical university. On the agenda is the transformation to a university of innovative and entrepreneurial type. The main conceptual principles for creating a development strategy for such a university are the following principles: continuity, innovation and diversification, approximation of services to consumers, synergy, quality management, product portfolio management and financial management. Educational goals and objectives remain priorities. Balance can be created through an innovative entrepreneurial ecosystem. The main priorities of the strategic development of the university are an innovative and entrepreneurial approach to sustainable development; research and innovation, which affect the content of the educational process and actively participation in the regional and other markets.
242-248 466
In the formation and further development of individual human capital, the first 6-7 years of a child's life occupy an important place. In the family, which is one of the institutions of socialization, the child gains the first social experience, learns about social orientation. The organization of a network of preschool institutions is especially important for the formation of human capital, since it is during this period that all subsystems of the body are formed as the basis of health and strength. As it is known, since our country got independence there has been a shortage in preschool institutions. The solution to this problem was facilitated by the modernization of the preschool education system, carried out as part of the Balapan program. Due to this, along with the state, the network of private kindergartens began to increase in the country, which is in line with world practice. Indeed, in many foreign countries, the non-state sector of the economy plays a dominant role in the provision of services for the care of young children. Despite the increase in the number of preschool institutions, the kindergarten utilization rate is still high. At the same time, the issue of enrollment of children in preschool education, which is one of the criteria of the Human Development Index, has not been fully resolved. Obviously, a modern child needs to ensure high-quality pre-school education and upbringing, which creates a kind of platform, a “foundation” for the further accumulation and development of individual human capital.

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)