
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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No 1 (2022)
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11-19 682

The article deals with the issues of stimulating the innovative activity of enterprises. The purpose of the study is to develop new recommendations based on the analysis of foreign experience in stimulating the innovative activity of the manufacturing industry. Considering that the manufacturing industry is the main source of innovative development, it is necessary to increase the amount of state support for enterprises in the form of subsidies, which will increase production efficiency and balance the economic conditions of the Customs Union. In the current situation, the priorities in the innovative sphere is various forms and methods of attracting investments in the industry, which will improve the investment climate: financial (direct financing, lending to investment projects, guarantees of investment lending, subsidizing interest rates for the bank, investment loans); tax (reduction of the tax burden, investment tax incentives), organizational and legal (legal basis for investment activities, the creation of leasing funds, mutual insurance companies, development institutions). In the manufacturing sector, it is now necessary to look for forms of interaction and cooperation between the state and society. International experience in this area reflects various forms of interaction between the state and business in the implementation of large socially significant investment programs and projects. In world practice, one of the most widespread and effective forms of partnership between the state and business is concession agreements in conditions of fair distribution of risks, benefits and costs, rights and obligations determined in accordance with the contract.

20-27 447

The purpose of this study is to theoretically substantiate the need for the development in Kazakhstan of such network forms of innovative entrepreneurship organization as research firms. In the study, general and particular methods of economic research were used: the method of comparison and generalization, the method of expert assessments based on the analysis and synthesis of world experience in the development of innovative entrepreneurship, in particular through the development of network interaction of key participants in the scientific and innovative process. A research firm is a form of innovative entrepreneurship organization, primarily focused on the initiation, development and maintenance of new knowledge production processes, through the implementation of the main stages of research and development of prototypes, followed by a stage of practical application and introduction of new knowledge in the form of innovation. The research firm interprets and qualifies the disciplinary diversity of the experience of its employees and their competencies as a potential opportunity and asset for creative activity in the production and application of knowledge. The research firm is interested in creating networks with universities and other research institutes, driven by the desire to gain access to fundamental university research and their further transformation into an entrepreneurial asset. Thus, in accordance with world practice, one of the main directions of development of research firms in the modern economy is effective cooperation with academic research institutes and universities, which is not practiced at all in Kazakhstan. Therefore, it is within the framework of the functioning of research firms that the conflicting commercial and scientific interests of the main participants in scientific and innovative activities, including universities and research institutes, can be maximally harmonized.

28-35 419

Integration of Kazakhstan into world economic processes presupposes activation of innovation policy. The purpose of the article is to investigate the current problems of the country’s innovative development over the years of new industrialization, with an emphasis on the key role of the state in their regulation. The generalized results of the country’s innovative development made it possible to identify the main reasons that hinder the progressive innovation movement. The article shows that since a feature of the economy of Kazakhstan is a high level of technological heterogeneity, the new industrialization was designed to eliminate the technological backwardness of industries, to create new points of innovative growth. The authors come to the conclusion that for a technological and product breakthrough, for reaching radical innovations, enterprises need to learn how to build cooperative ties and strategic alliances between large entities with the participation of research organizations, small and medium-sized businesses. The role of the state in enhancing innovation policy in the medium term is shown, with an emphasis on mechanisms and tools that stimulate innovation activities of enterprises, promotion of state and corporate innovations.

36-41 994

The purpose of the work is to analyze the state of agricultural cooperation in the country, determine its potential, development directions, the role of Kazakhstan in ensuring food security. Today, agriculture, which contributes to improving the competitiveness of Kazakhstan, has a great future. The development of the country’s agriculture with the attraction of foreign investment will be achieved through the creation of cooperatives. From this point of view, it requires intensive involvement of farmers and entrepreneurs in this area, providing financial and material assistance, and infrastructural development of rural areas. The article considers the state of agricultural cooperation, which is able to ensure the stabilization of agricultural production in modern conditions and is a priority form of ensuring the food security of the country. In order to provide a comprehensive solution to the problems of the country’s economy, the introduction of an agricultural cooperative for consumer supply and marketing, the creation of agricultural cooperatives focused on export activities is proposed as a mechanism for the integrated development of rural areas. Recommendations for solving the problems of agricultural cooperation development and its further development are given.

42-50 423

For modern Kazakhstan, the solution of the housing is one of the main socio-economic tasks, since housing construction is one of the sociality significant branches of the national economic complex and contributes to the implementation of the constitutional right of citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan – housing law, and the complexity of solving the problem is characterized by negative consequences of the global economic and financial crisis. The solution to the problem of providing the population with housing largely depends on the solvency of consumers, which, in turn, is determined by the dynamics of the ratio of income and housing prices. The housing market is influenced by many factors – factors of state regulation of the real estate market, the general economic situation, the microeconomic situation, the social situation in the region, the environmental situation in the region. The article considers in detail the issues of housing construction in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the conditions of development, disadvantages and advantages, as well as justifies proposals for regulating this area. In Kazakhstan, all conditions are being created to provide the population with affordable housing that meets the needs of the population, since not every citizen of the country has the opportunity to purchase an expensive place to live. The implementation of a purposeful and consistent social policy of the state is one of the main initiatives of the Republic of Kazakhstan aimed at social modernization

51-57 949

The aim of the article is to analyze the current state of the country’s competitiveness based on certain data as an indicator of the well-being of citizens, and acts as a guarantor of economic security and contributes to the growth of the national economy. Being a part of the global economy is relevant and important for a state and it requires new research on this issue. The authors in the article consider the relationship between the processes of the country’s competitiveness and economic growth, which determine the need for a comprehensive analysis of possible options for implementing the competitiveness strategy. The competitiveness of the economy is impossible without its openness and integration into the global economic system. Strengthening the integration processes will ensure unhindered access of Kazakhstani goods and services to the markets of other countries and expand their sales markets. Thereby it will help to increase competition. The problem of competitiveness is directly related to the theory of international trade, since the interaction of a country with other states in world markets is considered, and with the theory of the spatial organization of productive forces, in view of the fact that industry is the main object of empirical research of competition processes.The necessary increase in the role of geography in the study of current processes in the world economy under the influence of the globalization process is also explained by the differentiation of the rates ofdevelopment not only between groups of independent states, but also within most individual countries. The article uses the following methods: analysis and synthesis, systematic approach.

58-64 479

In the context of the COVID–19 pandemic, maintaining the sustainability of the socio-economic system is one of the main priorities of states. The basis of the economy is small and medium-sized businesses, whose representatives are daily faced with the solution of managerial and organizational tasks of different levels. Main purpose of study was to research the possibility “teal” strategies usage in activities of Kazakhstani companies. The article describes aspects of the implementation of the basics of “teal” strategy as a flexible form of business structures in offline and online modes. The introduction of elements of the “teal” strategy will allow integrating into the changing economic system in the future by revising the organizational structure of management. The article also discusses the experience of implementing the teal strategy on the example of foreign, including Russian, companies. The teal model in these companies is based on the principles of self-organization and self-development of the company's personnel, which allows the maximum use of human potential for self-development and internal motivation in achieving the company's business goals. Based on the results of the conducted research, the main conclusions are made about the possibility of applying the strategies of “teal” organizations in the practice of Kazakhstan SMEs. In addition, the difficulties of implementing “teal” strategies are identified and the main competencies necessary for the personnel of companies to transition to the proposed business structure models are proposed.

65-72 705

The article examines the assets of the national fund of Kazakhstan and its dynamics from 2005 to 2020, analyzes the sources of its formation and evaluates the effectiveness of the use of assets. The main sources for the formation of the fund’s assets are direct taxes from organizations in the oil sector and investment income from management. Since 2016, the funds of the national fund in the form of aggregate transfers have already been used and directed to support the country’s economy in the face of an unfavorable price environment for commodities. To assess the performance of the fund and its effectiveness from 2001 to 2020, we calculated such indicators as accumulated profitability, arithmetic and geometric mean returns, portfolio standard deviation, variation coefficient, average risk premium, Sharpe ratio. The key indicators of risk and return of the fund’s foreign exchange portfolio are also compared with the indicators of the Norwegian oil fund. As a result of the comparison, valuable recommendations and conclusions were made on the structure of the fund’s portfolio. The Fund needs to gradually increase the share of investments in risky financial instruments such as shares of foreign companies in order to increase the overall return of the fund. The total transfers of the fund in relation to GDP for the last 10 years have been estimated and the forecast for the size of the fund at the end of 2022 has been made. The size of the fund is still at a sufficient level and is a reliable safety cushion for the economy of Kazakhstan during periods of adverse external factors

73-81 386

The article deals with the theoretical foundations of capital as an investment resource for getting income. What is meant here is the principles of the market, when its owners work in the financial system, and accumulated by saving money and financial benefits in the form of specific complex goods involved in the financial process as a factor of production, with a close relationship to such factors as time, risk, and liquidity. The structure of the capital of the company should be considered taking into account the peculiarities of its functioning and the course of formation of sources of financing of activity. The ambiguity of characteristics of own and borrowed capital does not allow at formation of structure of sources of financing of activity to count on any “effective” policy and “effective” structure of the capital only on the basis of comparison of advantages and lacks which are objective feature of this or that source of financing. At a choice of sources of the capital, it is necessary to analyze carefully other factors influencing it, and also realizable actions of proprietors and managers of the company at a stage of structure formation in the organization. The small number of research works on the part of domestic specialists related to the structure of capital, indicates that the research methods of this topic have not yet been studied. This can be traced by the volume of papers published in recent years in this area, describing current theoretical aspects. It should be noted that the main drawbacks of such works are the absence or paucity of specific examples reflecting the practical relevance of the theories.

82-91 268

This article examines the foreign countries experience of the population’s social protection during the COVID–19 pandemic, including state social protection of youth. In the context of the pandemic, an online survey was conducted among the youth of Kazakhstan and it was found out how COVID–19 affected youth employment. One of the main objectives of the ongoing social policy in Kazakhstan is to improve the policy of social protection on the principle of a differentiated approach to a certain category of the population, including youth. Social protection of the population is becoming increasingly relevant during a pandemic.The key purpose of the article is to consider the main elements of social protection of youth in foreign practice and to give recommendations on social protection of youth in Kazakhstan by the state by analyzing the main results online survey of youth of Kazakhstan.During the study, methods of scientific generalization and comparative analysis were used. Social protection by the state during the COVID–19 pandemic should be in the form of three blocks (subsystems), namely: social protection of working, that is, employed youth; social protection of citizens with disabilities, as well as socially vulnerable segments of the population, including unemployed youth; social protection of youth in the socio-cultural sphere.

92-102 930

The purpose of this article is to analyze and give a comprehensive assessment of the standard of living of the population in all regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The concept of “human development” was introduced by UNDP in 1990 in the Human Development Report. The concept of human development is focused on people and proclaims the main and only goal to ensure human well-being. This presupposes the creation of a favorable political, economic, social and ecological environment that would allow people to live a healthy and constructive life for a sufficiently long time. Almost simultaneously with the emergence of this concept, the problem of quantifying the improvement in the lives of people around the world arose. Human development is an abstract concept. In order to measure it (to determine the level, dynamics, direction of changes), a system of indicators is needed that characterizes certain aspects of human development.In this article, based on the methodology proposed by the authors, an integral assessment of the standard of living of the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan is given in the context of the regions. A quantitative and qualitative assessment of the living standards of the population can serve as the basis for the development and improvement of the social sphere, an instrument of effective socio-economic policy, which is confirmed by the experience of the results of industrialized countries in solving the problems of economic development.

103-111 323

This research focused on clarifying the concepts of elderly people and employment because the population is aging and older ones are mainly affected by pandemics. It requires more detail analysis in order to understand the barriers and challenges that face the elderly people during employment processes especially during pandemics. Therefore, authors tried to be concentrated on key problems of elderly employment and analyze the peculiarities such as gender imbalance. Moreover, this study has described the gender impact of COVID–19 on elderly employment worldwide and Kazakhstan. According to results, authors identified the female predominance over men before and after pandemics especially in Kazakhstan. In addition, this research has used the results of different reports developed for Kazakhstan in order to make fully analysis including our mentality and other factors that may affect to the elderly employment. The revealed women prevalence led the authors to such conclusions as developing the gender oriented employment policy for elderly people taking into account foreign experience. For example, organizing part time jobs or stimulating women in one time jobs, budget allocation for retraining elderly people after retirement, or subsidize the hiring of older workers. In addition, it may be presented as the formation of age-mixed work groups in which older workers could further transfer their experience and competencies; or in the reform of the organization of labor, in which there will be a redistribution of workloads.

112-118 774

This article analyzes the employment indicators of the population of Kazakhstan for 2015–2021 and assesses programs and other government measures taken to reduce the unemployment rate in the country. The system of state support aimed at ensuring employment of the population and solving the problems of unemployment that arose as a result of the socio-economic crisis associated with the global coronavirus pandemic COVID–19 is also characterized. The article also provides an overview of the level of development of unemployment in various countries of the world, which is a problem not only of one state, but a cause of concern for world communities, and the degree of research on these issues. In addition, the authors analyzed and assessed the dynamics of changes in the number of employed population in the sectors of the country’s economy and discussed the main priorities of the state policy aimed at optimizing the labor market and providing the population with productive employment

119-128 340

The article examines all the factors, both positive and negative, that have an impact on the development of modern energy. The natural factor is considered as one of the most important factors. Depletion of natural resources and global climate change pose a real threat to the development of the modern energy industry. The experience of the world community in solving problems related to climate change, implementing measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, developing policy measures to improve energy efficiency and energy conservation, as well as the use of alternative energy sources is analyzed. The methodological basis of the research is a complex system of scientific methods, including methods of statistical analysis, observation, comparison. Historical-logical, analytical and system methods were used in the analysis of problems in the energy industry and in the formulation of conclusions. The marketing concepts which were developed earlier did not sufficiently take into account the importance of replenishing the natural resources consumed by society with alternative fuel resources. In this regard, there was a need to develop a new marketing concept that would take into account not only the interests of individual consumers and society as a whole, but also actively orient entrepreneurs to develop innovative technologies for the production and sale of alternative fuel and energy resources. The article proposes an expanded concept of socio-ethical marketing – the concept of environmental resource marketing, which consists of conducting business activities in order to meet the needs of both individual consumers and society as a whole in environmentally friendly energy products in conditions of severe shortage of traditional fuel and energy resources and the need to replenish them with alternative ones.

129-137 273

The pandemic has negatively impacted thousands of businesses, but many global brand companies have adapted to the situation and have made great strides by changing their strategies. Global brand companies were able to increase their market capitalization from 12% to 565% during the pandemic and isolation. The article analyzes the market capitalization of companies included in the "100 best in the world" rating, the size of large companies in the region and its changes, changes in the market capital of countries such as Japan, UK, Germany, Canada, USA, France, China. In the course of the analysis, the author reviewed the reports of the “500 best companies in the world”, “100 best companies in the world”, materials of the World Economic Forum “World Competitiveness Index”. When analyzing the market capitalization of the best companies in the world, general logical methods were used to collect information and effectively search, group, process and summarize the necessary material, compare materials of international organizations and ratings, as well as the work of research scientists. According to the comparative method, the analysis was carried out on the example of the best US companies: Apple Inc., Microsoft Corp, Amazon. som Inc., Chinese giants: Tencent, Alibaba GRP-ADR, Kweichow Mouta, the best in Japan: Toyota Motor, Sony Group Corp, German companies like Volkswagen AG and famous French companies like L'oreal and others

138-147 352

The article discusses the features of the enterprise management strategy of the engineering industry on the example of JSC “Vostokmashzavod”. As a result of the research, the need for the formation and implementation of an enterprise management strategy in the conditions of increased competition in the machine-building industry market, which is due to the globalization of the economy, has been substantiated. The entry of the foreign market of innovative technologies into the domestic market of mechanical engineering requires a rethinking of the tools used and management approaches to the activities and management strategies of modern enterprises in the engineering industry. In this regard, the necessity of regulating the engineering industry in the economy of Kazakhstan and ensuring its sustainable development, taking into account innovative processes based on digital technologies, is substantiated.To concretize the study, an analysis of the financial and economic indicators of JSC “Vostokmashzavod” was carried out, which reflects the specifics of the production activities of enterprises in the engineering industry. At the same time, the strengths and weaknesses of the current management strategy were assessed according to four integral indicators: organization, production, finance and marketing, which determined the opportunities and risks of the enterprise, its short-term strategic directions were determined and justified. The strengths and weaknesses of the object under study are compared with the capabilities of the enterprise in order to rank the necessary measures for making managerial decisions.To identify the effectiveness of strategic management, the payback periods, net present value and profitability indices of the innovative project presented in the paper to provide the enterprise with new equipment and its impact on strategic management in the context of restrictions introduced as a result of COVID–19 were calculated. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were developed on the development of a strategy for the development of large business entities.

148-154 676

The scientific article discusses the peculiarities of accounting of the livestock industry at the present time, including biological assets. The Republic of Kazakhstan has a high potential in the field of agriculture, as it has appropriate natural and climatic conditions and rich pasture lands that contribute to the successful development of animal husbandry. Therefore, the peculiarities of accounting for agricultural production are that constant changes occur in the process of growing in the herd. The dynamics of livestock growth is indicated in special documents that can be defined as primary. Their peculiarity lies in the fact that they are created in a certain form aimed at demonstrating the movement of factors and means of production in the form of animals.Currently, the development of the livestock industry is one of the main tasks of agriculture. Animal husbandry provides the population of the country with high-value food products, such as meat, milk, eggs, industry uses wool, hides, furs, sheepskins, down, animal blood is in demand in pharmaceutical production, products for processing glue, plastics, albumin are used for technical purposes. This leads to the conclusion that a high level of agricultural production ensures the economic and food security of the country.Endoctrine glands produce active drugs containing hormones. Horns are used for various products, bones for making bone food, animals serve as tools and objects of labour. The growth of livestock production, cost reduction, increase in the level of profitability are determined by the improvement of technology and organization of production, improvement of the breed and age composition of the herd, maintaining livestock and efficient use of all the means. As a result, high level of husbandary production provide economic and production safety of the country.

155-165 864

The personnel performance program is designed to create a highly motivated workforce with the ability to perform tasks for the company. This leads to an increase in production volumes, which means that the company increases the value of labor resources. Labor productivity, motivation and creativity of personnel are competitive advantages in market conditions that determine a successful strategy aimed at increasing the value of the company. Personnel efficiency system is a unique set of priorities for investment in human capital. The aim of the research is to propose scientifically grounded approaches to increasing the effectiveness of personnel in the company. The authors processed reliable, accurate statistical data, presented them in the form of tabular and visual materials and diagrams. The indicators of effective use of personnel in the company, in particular labor productivity, decrease over the years. The reason for such decrease in labor productivity is the dissatisfaction of employees with their salaries, as well as the instability of personnel due to their low level of qualification, as well as the lack of social packages, such as the creation of social conditions in the company. In order to create an effective system of personnel development in the company it is necessary to create a personnel management department, to assess employees, to identify training needs, to create a quality system of motivation and to use an effective combination of economic and socio-psychological methods. The essence of the research is characterized by the following: an organizational and economic model of the development strategy of the personnel service aimed at increasing its competitiveness based on the rational use of the potential of the company’s employees is developed; ways of increasing the effectiveness of the company’s employees in market conditions are proposed.


166-173 746

The study of the latest global trends in travel and tourism, firstly, provides an opportunity to characterize the consumer profile and identify types of tourists, popular destinations in the world, demand for types of tourism, and trends such as the use of the most popular applications and digital channels by tourists, and in secondly, it has practical significance, since the results can be used by tourism organizations in Kazakhstan to plan and implement efforts to improve their ability to use digital technologies in tourism as the main communication channel. Based on the analysis of secondary information (big data of international online travel agencies), the authors formed portraits and maps of the route of global digital tourists. The presented information will serve as a guide for the Kazakhstani tourism business in the knowledge of global consumers of tourism services and will strengthen inbound tourism. The purpose of the study is to study travel marketing trends in the world, on the basis of which it is possible to make a map of the travel route of a tourist in the process of online purchase of a tourist product. The proposed recommendations will help attract foreign tourists, build customer loyalty, and, ultimately, improve the marketing activities of a travel company, including in a pandemic and quarantine regime.

174-181 473

The consequences of the global pandemic led to border closures and to a significant increase in demand for regional tourism in Kazakhstan in the summer of 2020. The additional pressure on the tourism sector has exposed problems in the infrastructure and tourism facilities of the country. Given the lack of state sponsorship of such facilities, it is necessary to involve private investors and businesses in the development of the tourism cluster through special forms of agreements, such as public-private partnerships (hereinafter – PPP). The main goal of this article is a study the development of a PPP instrument, as well as determine the critical factors of the success of the implementation of PPP projects in the tourism sector. The research methodology includes conducting a survey among PPP experts. Through the analysis, 5 main factors were identified that must be taken into account by both parties to the agreement for the development of tourist facilities. The analysis will consider studies by foreign and Russian authors, as well as their methods of developing PPP projects. Particular importance will be given to the consideration of existing legislative acts as one of the types of success factors. This work will make a significant contribution to understanding the successful development of tourism through PPP projects, and will also help the government to revise the existing approach to PPP projects. Joint activities of the state and the private sector based on cooperation presented in this paper is a relatively new area in the Kazakhstan economy that requires a substantive examination and thorough study.


182-191 598

The project management system is being implemented in the activities of the state bodies of Kazakhstan. The methodological part consists in the development and approval of standard regulations and rules for project management. The organizational part of the project management system is determined by the work of the project office of state bodies, and information support is determined by the work of a unified information system. The purpose of the article was to analyze the work of the project management system, namely, the activities of the project office of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovations and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan (hereinafter – МDDIAI).As a result of this analysis,some shortcomings and gaps were identified, which are systematic and negatively affect the result of the project office. The authors of this study made and substantiated conclusions that show the real procedure for interaction of the МDDIAI project office with the national project office and other state bodies. In many ways, the problems of МDDIAI in the field of project management are of a similar nature for other state bodies. One of the main problems is the incomplete formation of project offices and the complexity of the perception of project management ideas by ordinary civil servants. Difficulties in the work of the МDDIAI project office may be relevant for other central and local state bodies, which will help to revise the current state policy in terms of project management implementation. The following research methods were used: document analysis, case studies, deduction, generalization and concretization.

192-199 995

This article says that in the conditions of globalization and increased competition, effective development is not possible without the development and implementation of high-tech industries, which are based on the use of scientific and technological achievements, factors such as innovation, intellectual capital, which, in turn, is largely determined by the level of the innovation ecosystem. The possibilities of the economy that become available as a result of the development of the innovation ecosystem are revealed. This article shows the unity and difference of such categories as entrepreneurial and innovative ecosystems, the need for the integrated development of these ecosystems and the conditions under which their effective development takes place. The role of universities in the formation and development of the innovation ecosystem is also touched upon, and the algorithmic chain of formation of relations in the innovation ecosystem is shown, and five scalable levels of the innovation ecosystem and their expected consequences are proposed. The conclusion is made about the multidimensional nature of the innovation ecosystem and the need to use an integrated approach in solving the problem of the development of the innovation ecosystem.

200-209 775

Historical evidence is that Central Asia has been a prosperous region along the Silk Road since ancient times. The importance of Central Asia comes from two main indicators. First, Central Asia has become the main territory of several advanced states and civilizations that have made significant contributions to scientific, political, cultural and industrial processes in the world. Secondly, due to its location, Central Asia has always played the role of a crossroads of trade, cultural and civilizational exchanges on a global scale. The possibilities of economic integration of the Central Asian countries, which are now again playing a special role, will be considered.The article reveals the history of the creation of integration between Kazakhstan and the countries of Central Asia and determines the possibilities of integration in the future. Such methods of analytical and statistical research as the analysis of foreign and domestic publications on the topic under study, statistical data characterizing the history, economy and the world place of integration of the Central Asian countries were used.

210-218 1349

The article is aimed at a comprehensive study, generalization and detailed analysis of scientific and practical information, risk management experience in the public sector. The author examines the experience of implementing a risk management system in the UK, the United States of America, their features and the main directions of development in the public sector. The study identifies the main components, stages and requirements necessary for the use of risk management in public administration. The article examines the regulatory framework of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating the instruments of the risk management system at the level of strategic planning of public administration, and in the implementation of control and supervisory functions of state bodies. As a result of the study, the points confirming the low level of implementation and use of risk management tools in the public administration system of the Republic of Kazakhstan are indicated. The paper pays considerable attention to the main causes of risks characteristic of organizations operating in the public sector. The scientific novelty of the article lies in the formation of conceptual foundations for the introduction of risk management into the public administration system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The introduction of risk management methods will increase the efficiency and effectiveness of decisions made by public authorities, and become an important component of the strategic development of public administration. The author, using the methods of system analysis, such as generalization, scientific abstraction, comparison, analysis, identified the main problematic issues of implementing risk management in the public administration system of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In the future, the results of the study can be used as a scientific and methodological basis for training and advanced training of specialists in the field of public service.

219-226 538

The contribution of business is very significant in the economic development of countries, the creation of new jobs, the development of education, the improvement of the environment, and the improvement of the population’s living standards. For enterprises themselves, stable and competitive development and efficient marketing activity are vital, where the significant role is played by customer intelligence (CI). It is determined by the fact that in modern world customer focus and centricity give companies the ability to be more successful and stable on the market. The global digital transformation has provided companies with many opportunities for customizing products and services, which generally increases competitiveness on the one hand, and on the other hand, opens up new opportunities for working with consumers. Based on consumer databases in marketing activities, it is possible to start applying CA. Today, many methods and technologies allow to start using KA to collect and process consumer databases. This article aim is to present the practical approach to Customer Intelligence tasks through the Key Performance Indicators (KPI) dashboard, where the dashboard is the set of KPIs chosen based on CI tasks realizations. Using this panel will allow companies to follow the path of implementing CA with an understanding and evaluation of the effectiveness of using this technique. The systematic use and tracking of results will ultimately affect the stability and viability of companies.

227-237 752

The purpose of the study is to study the world experience in determining non-standard forms of employment to identify new forms of employment in Kazakhstan. The article identifies the specifics, trends and patterns of development of the labor market of Kazakhstan; identifies the problems that exist in the labor market; developed recommendationsforthe regulation ofthe self-employed population.In many countries, the labor market is undergoing structural changes, and new forms of organization of labor activity and employment coexist with traditional forms of employment. New forms of employment first appeared in high-income countries, but have now spread to developing countries. New forms of employment are a reflection of the high development of the economy and, consequently, of the high incomes of citizens living in these countries. However, it is possible to identify the spread of new forms of employment in developing countries. The analysis of scientific publications on non-standard forms of employment allowed us to conclude that the issue of labor market flexibility is still debatable. In this regard, we will try to identify the key trajectories for the formation of new forms of employment in the country. For this purpose we have analyzed the forms of employment on the example of foreign countries, using the data of the International Labor Organization (ILO), Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), Eurofund and the National Statistics Bureau of Kazakhstan. We also tried to demonstrate the growing need to define the role of freelancers in the domestic labor market, the application of new methods in the implementation of their activities through digital labor platforms. They outlined a number of conceptual and measurement problems, one of which is the work of freelancers through digital labor platforms.

238-249 254

The purpose of the article is to present the results of research and development of an organizational and economic mechanism for the development of state regulation of employment of persons with special needs in the Republic of Kazakhstan. An advanced economy cannot be considered in the gap from the employment of persons with special needs, which is able not only to increase the economic potential of the country, but also improves the financial situation of persons with disabilities and their family members. In this regard, Kazakhstan has developed programs for the population such as the “Employment Roadmap 2020” and the State Program for the Development of Productive Employment and Mass Entrepreneurship for 2017–2021 “Enbek”. Besides, in order to ensure the rights and improve the quality of life of people with special needs, a National Plan until 2025 was approved. Based on the analysis of the problems hindering the effective increase in the level of employment of persons with disabilities, the article substantiates the need to introduce a new organizational and economic mechanism of state regulation of employment of persons with special needs. The main problem of the low level of employment of persons with disabilities in the republic was identified, which consists in the presence of structural barriers, primarily with the low availability of infrastructure and the low level of competitiveness of persons with special needs. The purpose of our proposed mechanism is to improve the welfare of citizens with disabilities and reduce their dependence on social benefits.

250-258 859

In the proposed article, the author analyzes the main scientific approaches of foreign and domestic researchers for a more complete understanding of the essence and economic role of youth entrepreneurship as an institution that allows using the creative potential of the younger generation in the interests of innovative development of the country. The author defines the concept of “youth entrepreneurship”, characterizes it as a tool that ensures the growth of employment, the involvement of young people in economic activity. In modern science and theory, youth entrepreneurship is considered as a new concept conditioned by a combination of factors and trends in the development of entrepreneurship and business in general, as well as employment of the population, including young people. The author, to a certain extent, clarified and deepened the theoretical foundations of the formation and development of youth entrepreneurship, established the relationship between youth entrepreneurship and economic growth trends. Within the framework of analytical research, the economic and organizational foundations of the mechanisms for supporting youth entrepreneurship are comprehensively systematized and analyzed. The author identifies at the system level the problems hindering the development of youth entrepreneurship and ways to solve them. The research results obtained by the author are reliable and applied, can be used in the practical activities of economic management bodies at macro and micro levels, in the implementation of industrial and innovation policy, as well as in policies for the development of small, medium and large enterprises.

259-267 1169

The purpose of the article is to assess the e-commerce market as one of the main methods of maintaining trade in the country. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: to disclose the very definition of e-commerce and its elements, to study the data of e-commerce statistics and the level of development of e-commerce in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Today, e-commerce is actively developing, which has provided other business development opportunities, namely, significant savings in transactions, remote access to foreign sites. Measures to promote Kazakhstani companies on international electronic platforms are of particular importance for the development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan. This article discusses the features of electronic marketing, trends, analysis of this market in the world and in Kazakhstan. The results of the analysis revealed obstacles to the development of e-commerce in Kazakhstan. The necessary measures and recommendations for improving the mechanism of e-commerce are given. E-commerce at the national level allows many businesses to establish their presence in the marketplace. It also allows you to expand your economic activities and opportunities beyond national borders. With the penetration and convenience of the Internet, many Internet consumers freely turn to online shopping, which in turn easily compete with their physical competitors around the world. Today, e-commerce is perceived as an independent and profitable area of any business and has tremendous growth potential.


268-275 1877

The aim of the article is to consider the issues of introducing digitalization in all spheres of public life, and especially in the field of education. The task of the introducing digital technologies is to accelerate the pace of economic development of any country, and in particular the Republic of Kazakhstan, thereby improve the wellbeing of the population through the use of information and communication technologies, as well as ensure, with minimal costs, the transition of the economy of our country to a completely new stage of development, ensuring the creation of a digital economy. Kazakhstan has taken a course towards the development of the digital economy; this is already a requirement of the new time. The country began to switch to the electronic format starting in 2006, but the main obstacles, which showed the real reality, occurred with the COVID-19 coronavirus infection pandemic and the announcement of quarantine. Based on their analysis, the authors concluded that the implementation of digitalization is taking slow steps. In our country, the bulk of our own manufacturers are in no hurry to implement Industry 4.0. due to the fact that it is not only expensive, but also due to the lack of highly qualified specialists in this area. The program “Digital Kazakhstan” has some shortcomings, taking into account previous mistakes, adjustments are made, so the success of its implementation depends on the proper involvement of all subjects of economic activity in the processes of digitalization. The authors are confident that through the development of information and communication and digital technologies, creating a favorable environment for training in digital skills, providing support measures for qualified professionals, we will achieve the goal outlined in the Program “Digital Kazakhstan”.

276-283 641

During the COVID–19 pandemic, the Kazakhstani education system completely switched to online education. The so-called digitalization has embraced all spheres of social and economic life. Online learning has come to be seen as an alternative to traditional one. The restructuring of the education system took place with the help of digital technologies, which contributed to an increase in its competitiveness. Technological advances in Artificial Intelligence have become part of everyday life. The use of online learning technologies has helped to preserve the educational infrastructure. At the same time, learning from home and, as a result, unequal conditions in access to the Internet affected the quality of education, academic integrity, and motivation. The research aims to analyze the effects of distance learning on students and understand whether blended learning will become an effective education paradigm in the post-academic era. An extensive literature review of articles based on Elsevier, Science Direct and Google Scholar databases using keywords such as “digital technologies in education”, “blended learning”, “learning in the context of the COVID–19 pandemic” was carried out. A comparative analysis of the results of quantitative research among students of the Kurmangazy Kazakh National Conservatory, Turan University and Al-Farabi KazNU is conducted. The research results demonstrate the attitude of students towards e-learning. There is a request for the introduction of blended learning, regardless of the educational programs.

284-296 436

This article analyzes the educational mismatch and its impact on the labor market in the Republic of Kazakhstan based on available data from open sources. An analysis of the literature on education management shows that many countries are studying this problem. Researchers identify such negative effects from educational mismatch as staff turnover, the wrong choice of profession, dissatisfaction with work and earnings. The authors, having studied foreign literature on this issue, suggest using the experience of India as an option to bring education in line with the needs of the labor market. In our opinion, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, serious, systematic studies of educational discrepancy should be carried out by research institutes and government bodies. Using the methodology proposed by R. Verdugo and N. Verdugo by such state bodies as the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Population of the Republic of Kazakhstan, will help to assess the real state of education and the labor market and draw appropriate conclusions to mitigate the discrepancy. Ultimately, Kazakhstan’s higher education system must better adapt to the current realities of the labor market. When writing the article, economic and statistical methods, methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, analogy were used.

297-305 684

This article analyzes the current system of financing higher education institutions and examines the world experience applied in other countries. Today's development of higher education financing is undergoing changes in connection with new challenges: the process of digitalization is intensifying; impact on the development of higher education during the pandemic and post-pandemic; the system of remuneration of scientists and faculty is undergoing changes; issues of grant financing are being reviewed; the role of universities in regional politics is changing.The main purpose of this study is to study the issues of financing education, a comparative analysis of foreign and domestic experience in this matter. Other sources of funding began to take precedence over the state. The dynamic development of new technologies, the urgent need to train qualified workers are leading the education system to transformation. An increasing number of universities are choosing an entrepreneurial direction, delving into the study of science – all this requires large financial investments. In connection with the above, taking into account all the listed new challenges, for the full functioning of higher education institutions and the training of highly qualified personnel, it is necessary to increase the cost of financing universities. Such new trends in the education of domestic universities as the establishment of partnerships between companies and universities, digitalization and innovation are transforming the usual model of a higher education institution. Universities need continuous development, changes in the educational process and the content of disciplines, the involvement of practitioners in training, large investments in the material and technical base of the university.The decline of government revenues have led to more efficient use of resources and scrupulous tracking of research outcomes, so governments prioritize rigorous outcome assessments for their funding, and privately funded research has clear goals.

306-314 252

This article is devoted to the issues of foreign practice of applying methods and tools of strategic management in the interaction of subjects of educational services on the market.Today, given the development of higher and postgraduate education, the main focus is on the integration of education and business. This process was developed along with the development in the higher education system of such terms as “integration”, “internationalization”, “globalization”, which are becoming synonyms and not contradictory terms adopted in the field of higher education.With the development of globalization and internationalization of higher education, the importance of the implementation process, methods and measures for the implementation of transformations that contribute to the development of the detail of a higher education institution as a high-quality and effective institution of education and science increases. The object of close and thorough research is the organizational and economic mechanism that contributes to improving the quality of education.Integration processes are prerequisites for the development of a competitive environment among higher educational institutions, thereby allowing us to consider the organizational and economic mechanism of managing educational institutions as a business process, while it is necessary to take into account the specific features that are characteristic only of a higher educational institution as a subject of educational services.

315-321 283

This article aims to study the problems of material incentives for labor in education in the general motivation system of Kazakhstani universities’ teaching staff. In current conditions, when there is simultaneously an increase in demand for higher education and a decrease in the social status and prestige of a teacher, the improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms for stimulating the work of the teaching staff should come to the fore. The article analyzes the level of wages in the education system, which for a long time lags behind the average level of wages in the country’s economy. This fact significantly undermines the incentives to work in the field of education, which, in turn, determines the quality of education. The limitations of the existing system of material incentives for the work of the teaching staff in modern universities are revealed. The necessity of managing labor motivation based on various types of incentives for teachers to achieve higher and better results of labor activity is shown. The study used secondary statistical data from official sources and traditional methods: graphical, system analysis and synthesis, the method of scientific observation, comparison, etc.

322-330 373

The authors in their article aim to consider the development of the educational model of “applied bachelor degree”, which requires further development, as a new approach to solving the issue of youth employment, both in foreign countries and in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Existing concepts and experience of the implementation of the dual education system in different countries were considered. The existing model for training specialists of “applied bachelor” in the Republic of Kazakhstan is considered in detail too. A detailed theoretical analysis was carried out, which showed the strengths and weaknesses of educational programs. In their work, the authors used legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of education. In addition, the authors made a quantitative analysis of the register of educational programs of NJSC “Talap”, according to the registered “applied bachelor” programs. During the implementation of the model shortcomings in the interaction between stakeholders, educational structures and enterprises were identified. As a result of the analysis further ways of improving the system of dual education at the level of “applied bachelor” in the Republic of Kazakhstan were identified, systematized and recommended. Further implementation and widespread use of the dual education system can help in the further development of professional and post-secondary education in the framework of training in the specialty “applied bachelor” in various sectors of the country’s economy. The implementation of the proposed concept will make it possible to level the existing unemployment among young people of the NEET generation.

331-336 363

The aim of the study is to examine Kazakhstani students’ career plans and the primary elements that influence their entrepreneurial inclinations. The Kazakh database GUESSS (Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students’ Survey) was used in the study. The goal of the GUESSS project is to generate unique and new ideas about student entrepreneurship in the form of academic and practical results. Our study demonstrates that respondents’ personal qualities, family and social affiliations, and the university environment all have an effect on students’ entrepreneurial inclinations. Kazakhstan participated in the GUESSS international survey three times in 2016, 2018, and 2021 as the primary tool for analysis. The GUESSS national report’s key findings from previous years were incorporated. The study thoroughly evaluates the entrepreneurship literature and the factors that influence entrepreneurial intentions. The study’s findings evaluated the primary characteristics of Kazakhstani students’ entrepreneurial goals in contrast to global trends. Analyzing the critical elements influencing students’ career intentions enables institutions to design policies and practices that support the growth of students’ entrepreneurial activities. Additionally, the findings of this paper accurately represent the entrepreneurial intentions and ambitions of Kazakhstani university students, both undergraduate and postgraduate. The major findings about the impact of the university environment on students’ entrepreneurial objectives, intentions, and motivation are highlighted as well. The study identifiesthe critical elements for fostering a more supportive and inspiring environment conducive to entrepreneurship in higher education. The university professors,students, and university administrations can benefitsignificantly from thisstudy, and educational policy administrators and entrepreneurs can greatly improve business-university engagement opportunities.

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)