
Bulletin of "Turan" University

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No 2 (2018)


9-13 323
Methodological strategic planning in the modern world has been reviewed in the article, an attempt to generalize the gathered materal particularly on theoretical aspects of strategic planning for the production of market economics was made. The article substantiates the stages of plan development, as well as the principles of strategic planning. Principles of planning as objective scientific categories serve as a starting basis for the construction of appropriate models. The following stages of the complex of works on the development and implementation of the enterprise development strategy are identified: analysis of the investment attractiveness of the industry; development of a scenario forecast for the development of the industry; a forecast of changes in the supply and demand situation on the domestic and foreign markets, as well as an analysis of the company’s competitive position in the industry (business strength); financial assessment of strategic alternatives; formation of the image of the future enterprise; development of strategic goals and objectives, a set of works on the implementation of the strategy. None of the models focuses much attention on how to implement the recommended strategies. Favorable conditions do not arise by themselves, but largely depend on the creative efforts of the firm to identify new market segments and use the available opportunities. The competitiveness of the company can be improved by introducing various innovations and developing its capabilities to meet new challenges.
14-18 227
This article deals with the issues of strategic planning in modern conditions. Strategic management and planning sphere expansion to the widest possible number of industrial enterprises is a prerequisite for ensuring sustainable long-term economic growth and diversification of Kazakhstan economy. In the system of managing socio-economic processes occurring in society, regulating their direction and dynamics, ensuring the sustainable functioning of enterprises planning takes a special place. Important aspects of strategic planning are identified. The stages corresponding to certain forms of organization of planning systems: budgetary and financial planning, long-term extrapolation planning, strategic planning.The following factors are determined: internationalization, globalization, informatization, social responsibility of business and other factors of economic life that present high requirements to strategic management today. The article identifies and reveals the main problems of strategic management. The strategy is developed starting with the analysis of the company and its external environment, then the goals, tasks and strategies of various levels of management. Finally, determination, organization, motivation, guidance and monitoring system are planned. The result is a hierarchical and phased plan of strategic management. Therefore, the main direction of modern American strategic thinking can be called a «management mechanism» or even a «planned management mechanism».
19-25 260
The article notes that over the years of independence, Kazakhstan has not achieved the best indicators of development of SME, its contribution to the economy of the country. This was due to gaps in the creation of a sound economic infrastructure and framework conditions for business. In this regard, the work outlined the complex of breakthrough actions for the short and medium-term prospects to increase the share of small and medium enterprises in the gross domestic product of the republic. Namely, among short-term measures, it is proposed to increase the quota of SME for government purchases and purchases of state corporations, to resolve issues of transferring ownership to SMEs, to develop actively industrial cooperation, export orientation and innovation, and concessional lending. Among the medium-term measures the following ones are emphasized: changes in the principles and philosophy of state support for small and medium enterprises following the example of the US Administration for small business; the creation of a new legal model that effectively implements the target programs of assistance to the development of SME. The conclusion is drawn that the development of small business in the West is proceeding at a faster pace, as national authorities attach great importance to small business enterprises and provide them with support at the federal level. Even the former developing countries, with the development of small and medium businesses, made a big economic breakthrough. Small business in these countries is now a middle class, which serves as a base for the stable development of the economy.
26-29 216
In the article the system modernization of the industry Republic of Kazakhstan is discussed. Industry of Kazakhstan in many segments is characterized by a suffi-ciently high level of depreciation of funds. This problem is recognized by the business community and the state, measures for its effective resolution are al-ready taken. Effective modernization of Kazakhstan’s industry is possible in national industri-al policy, diversified into sectors and areas, based on the state. Industrial policy should be a tool that responds to changes. Its most important features are adapt-ability and application in economic practice of the best practices of world experi-ence, taking into account specificity of national conditions. The article analyzes the positive dynamics in metallurgy branches of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In recent years, metallurgical industry in Kazakhstan has become one of the leading industries, after oil, which is given special attention to the gov-ernment. Today, this state is among the world leaders in metallurgy. Kazakhstan enterprises provide metallurgical products as in domestic market, and export dif-ferent non-ferrous metals to other countries. Drawing conclusions, it can be noted that the location of enterprises engineering in the Republic of Kazakhstan is directly dependent on technical and economic specifics of production, primarily from such features as the structural complexity of manufactured products and wide development of specialization and coopera-tion. According to the nature of technological process, many branches of engi-neering tend to areas of high technical culture with qualified workers.
30-34 291
Sustained economic growth of Kazakhstan economy is connected with development of industry, scientific and technological spheres, banking sector, small and medium enterprise . Integrated management of economic structures is directed to global challenges of leadership, effective management in the conditions of world crisis. One of the main challenges is technological growth, which becomes the subject of research by scientists and leading research institutes. Structured divisions and separate companies linked by the production chain solve the tasks of organizing business processes with elements of the digital economy. Information technology greatly simplifies the process of deepening the processing of raw materials / products through the technological integration of related industries and the research environment. For the national economy, digitalization is associated with the modernization of the largest industries, the development of management mechanisms of technological integration. At the level of the industrial enterprises special programs of anti-crisis development with use of analytical instrument which rely on innovative and technological development, strengthening of financial stability, labor productivity are developed. An important condition of economy growth is use of mechanisms of technological integration with participation of the industrial and scientific capital of participants of the Eurasian Economic Union. The analysis of modern industrial-innovative development of Kazakhstan economy shows that all the prerequisites for this have been formed.
35-39 269
The realization of the financial and investment strategy, the strategy of attracting, accumulating and distributing financial resources presupposes the implementation of a purposeful set of measures. It is obvious that the process of making investment decisions is aimed at achieving the goals, regarding which the efficiency of the enterprise’s activity, including investment, is assessed. Well-formulated objectives of investment opportunities must meet such requirements as the correspondence of the main goal, the orientation to the result, measurability, clarity, interconnectedness and flexibility. All these factors provide clarity of understanding, create a clear basis for operational control and subsequent evaluation of the effectiveness of management decisions. When forming investment opportunities in an enterprise, it is possible to combine different goals into groups according to the corresponding homogeneous characteristics: the requirement to increase the efficiency of financial and investment opportunities, the rate of economic growth, the regulation of production and economic potential, improvement of quality, the group «innovation activity». An integral part of investment opportunities is the strategy of formation and use of investment resources, the development of which provides financing of investment opportunities in necessary and sufficient volumes. Forecasting the need for the total amount of investment resources is to determine the necessary amount of financial resources for the implementation of investment projects. In the process of studying the possibilities for the formation of these resources, the diversity of possible sources is considered.
40-44 277
The socio-economic situation of the country, the growth of macroeconomic indi-cators, and a stable political situation are the basis for assessing investment pro-visions. At present, the tasks of the Republic of Kazakhstan are the development of effective economy in the social direction, finding its place in the world, ensur-ing economic independence, achieving high-level labor productivity, using high technology in the structure of the national economy, raising the people’s liveli-hood, forming a mixed economy, providing support to various property owners, achieving a partnership based on the law in market centers. This helps our entry into the numbers of developed countries in the future. The Republic of Kazakhstan draws attention to the expansion of foreign invest-ment flows, however, due to the fact that the competitive struggle for investment is high, investors carefully study each country and put high demands on countries that invest in trying to reach a minimum risk in order to determine where to put their investments. To date, a correct assessment of the investment situation, the attraction of domes-tic and external resources in the conditions of stable development of the country’s economy play an important role in its effective use, and also show our investment activity in the world arena.
45-49 203
The article describes the potential of the investment environment as a special reg-ulatory entity. An effective investment model is an important factor in the sus-tainable development of the economic system. If the given model is larger and more complex in its structure in different directions then its possibilities are high-er for solving social and economic problems. The development of investment pro-cesses makes it possible to intensify business in the society, to increase the inten-sity of the components of its modernization, in particular innovations. In general, the investment model is aimed at the formation of a competitive econ-omy with developed economic structures. In this regard, issues on the formation and use of the investment potential of the economy of Kazakhstan at the macro, regional and sectoral levels are considered in a comprehensive manner. This al-lowed to distribute the process of structuring investment potential and identify important components of the mechanism for its regulation. The article also de-scribes the current state of the investment potential of Kazakhstan’s economy. Using various factual materials, the author investigated its organizational and economic parameters that form the necessary investment resources for solving the most important social and economic problems aimed at modernizing the invest-ment foundations of economic structures.
50-55 272
The article considers the current investment policy for the development of the recreational sphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan using the example of specially protected natural areas of the Pavlodar region. The authors identified the problems of investing in the development of recreational areas and suggested possible ways to address them based on the correlation of interests of society, the state, investors and consumers of recreational services. According to the authors, the potential of a recreational complex is used in part and with little impact on the economy and society as a whole. The complex development of the territory should be carried out under the control and with the participation of the state, along with the attraction of extrabudgetary sources of financing. The purpose of the study is to determine ways to ensure the activation of investment in the development of recreation, with the obligatory condition of preserving the natural potential of the territory. The object of research is investment activity in the recreational sphere in the Republic of Kazakhstan on the example of specially protected natural areas of the Pavlodar region. The subject of the study is the possibility of developing recreational areas on the basis of increasing investment activity.
56-62 231
This paper is devoted to key concepts and features of e-commerce in contemporary conditions of sharing economy. The advancement of Internet has tremendously increased the e-commerce business in the current digital era. Today major corporations are re-strategizing their businesses in terms of E-commence and its capabilities to adapt in this changing world. E-commerce has become an imperative platform for businesses. The collective convergence of technologies today has highly affected marketing practices around the world with new trends emerging such as ‘sharing’ economy, the ‘now’ economy, Omni channel integration, content marketing, social CRM and others. This also leads to convergence between digital marketing and traditional marketing. The globalization trend is enhanced with the fast development of telecommunication and information technology what created huge opportunities in the global E-commerce platform for many companies. Nowadays, consumers are flooded with lots of information and marketing campaigns whenever they are online on laptop, tablet and mobile in their daily life and the information received will eventually effect their buying behavior. The article presents the study results of e-commerce frameworks,including basics of e-commerce, big data and consumer behavior in e-commerce. Moreover, in the paper the global B2C E-commerce analysis has been conducted for 2015-2016.
63-67 242
The agro-industrial complex of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the largest and most complex economic formation of the national economy. AIC is a complex of industries, including production, collection, storage, transportation, processing and sale of agricultural products, food industry, related industries and services that provide modern technology, equipment, information and other resources. Its effectiveness is largely due to the development of the consumer market, the economic and social stability of society and the creation of a sovereign state as a whole. An important feature of food security is economic access to food. This indicator is viewed as a population that buys food at current prices and incomes at a fixed rate in the minimum consumer basket. Analyzing the needs of the domestic food market, an important aspect of its improvement is to ensure consumption in accordance with scientifically based standards. The analysis of consumption of basic food products in Kazakhstan concluded that the average per capita consumption of the product meets the minimum standards, but significantly differs from medical standards. Thus, consumption of the most important food products not only reached medical standards, but also approached their consumption in 1990. As a result, it turns out that for a number of key products of the population, the level of consumption is not sufficient.
68-73 216
This article describes the current problem of untimely grain processing during the harvest season and, as a result, the loss of harvest, the problem of transportation from production sites, to storage sites, and further delivery to destinations, including export. The causes of these problems in the agro-industrial complex are determined; the weaknesses are the low level of introduction of research and development work, the underdevelopment of trade, including export, high capital intensity, a long payback period, and dependence on natural and climatic conditions, all these factors include to the production of grain products. The author of the study proposes the development of scientific and practical recommendations and the rationale for making decisions on the establishment and rational placement of grain logistics centers with the corresponding production capacities and infrastructure in the regions of the country by developing a mechanism for sustainable development of rural areas, as well as implementing the export potential of the regions of the country through the formation of rational supply chains. Realization of the proposed ideas, proposals and scientific approach will allow creating an independent organized channel for grain distribution in the export market with optimization of distribution costs in the Kazakhstan market, which will raise the interest of commodity producers in increasing grain production, improving its quality, reducing production costs and increasing competitiveness in the foreign market.
74-79 256
The agrarian market is more complex than other markets, as it implies the creation of favorable conditions for the free promotion of not only agro-food products, but also of technologies, means of labor and etc. The ЕEU is a close form of integration, under which barriers in mutual trade will be abolished and unified. In these conditions, the most important element in the formation of a new economic mechanism of economic management and integration relations that is adequate to the requirements of the modern agrarian market is marketing, in which the consumer plays a major role in the production and marketing activities of agriсultural business enterprises regardless of the form of ownership. Practice shows that the complexity of problems of getting out of the crisis is determined not so much by the lack of experience in managing the new conditions as by the weak validity of the conceptual support for transformations in the agrarian sphere. So far, there are no well-developed approaches to the creation and development of a multilevel agromarketing system, methodological developments in rational planning of marketing activities in the agribusinesses themselves, methods for assessing the economic effectiveness of marketing strategies implemented, etc. A systemic integrated marketing approach is required to solve the problem of sustainable and efficient functioning of agricultural industrial production and development of the food market in the context of interstate integration.
80-85 334
The article presents the analysis of the demand and the preferences of the consumers of meat and meat products in Almaty. In the Republic the production of meat has traditionally been considered one of the main directions in agriculture. The production and consumption of meat and meat products in Kazakhstan has a great influence on eating habits and quality of life of the population. At the present stage issues of market saturation by domestic meat products, improve quality, improvement of competitiveness, extension of the range have become increasingly important. The preconditions for this are a steady annual growth of livestock, increasing its productivity and volume of production of meat. The potential of agro-industrial complex of the country allows to provide agricultural safety for these products and fully satisfy domestic demand of the population. Meat processing enterprises of Kazakhstan work in conditions of tough competition, which is especially noted by foreign manufacturers. Increased competition on the market of meat products requires from the national companies and firms mobilization of forces and aspirations for retention and the competitive position with the help of marketing research. As the primary method of analysis the method of questionnaire has been chosen. The results of the survey are presented and appropriate conclusions are made. In order to comprehensively study the solvency of the consumers, the article has analyzed monetary and consumer spending, and dynamics of the consumption of meat and meat products per capita.
86-91 371
The article is devoted to the improvement of marketing activities of “Danone Berkut” LLP in order to enhance the image and competitiveness of the company in the production of dairy products. The author suggests ways to optimize the work of the marketing department at the enterprise and recommendations for improving the marketing activities of the company. A new organizational structure of the marketing department was recommended with the introduction of three specialists in the staff of positions: on marketing research, Internet marketer, web designer. It is proposed to conduct marketing research on the study of consumer demand with the organization of customer surveys and the use of a special computer program for processing the results of the study. A specific advertising campaign was developed to promote the company’s products. The advertising campaign is supposed to be low-cost, not requiring a large budget, and at the same time will help attract potential customers and promote sales of “Danone Berkut” LLP. The recommendation to introduce a new product in the product line «Danone Berkut» is noteworthy - koumiss, which, according to preliminary data, will increase the demand of consumers and increase company sales. The idea to modernize the site of “Danone Berkut” LLP, adding the online sales / delivery of products raises much interest. Consumers will be able to make online orders, and the company will deliver products to customers free of charge.
92-96 347
The purpose of the work is to assess the level of innovation development in Almaty and to develop proposals for its improvement. For achievement of this purpose in the article the concept «innovation» is specified, the analysis is given to indicators of innovative development of the city for the last 5 years, the existing problems come to light and recommendations for the solution of these problems are made. The results of the research can be applied by the akimat of Almaty city to improve the innovation policy. In the article such problems of innovative development of Almaty as unevenness of growth of volume of innovative production are revealed; passivity of the enterprises to introduction of innovations; financing of innovations primary of the state budget; the shortage of shots for work in innovative sectors of city economy, etc. At the end of the article measures were proposed to improve the innovative component of Almaty: to increase the amount of financing R&D by private enterprises by creating additional incentives; to buy patents for inventions from the city budget and transfer them on a free basis to entrepreneurs based on US experience; to introduce a targeted distribution of financial resources provided by banks and their concentration in priority sectors;to increase of the social status of the scientist and the prestige of scientific activity, etc.
97-103 220
In the context of tough competition and the global economic crisis, the priority task of enterprises providing telecom services is to form a loyalty level for subscribers in order to increase the competitiveness of the company and the sustainability of its development through the identification of potential. In addition, the degree of customer loyalty to the company directly depends on its revenues, and they in turn form the development of the company in the future. A survey was conducted in Almaty on the method of sampling - «snowball», the general sample included 160 respondents. It is revealed that of all the cellular communication services in Almaty, the quality of mobile communication is the priority, then the cost of services and the attractiveness of tariffs, the less important are the indicators for the service area, the continuity of communication, the audibility and the service. Respondents noted that the transition from one company to another is due to dissatisfaction with the quality of mobile communications and the overcharge of services or a package of services. Based on the survey, recommendations were made to improve the effectiveness of intra-company management, where it is possible to achieve a high level of loyalty among subscribers due to the formation of the best customer experience in the company.
104-108 868
The services sector is becoming the most developing sector of the economy. So in developed countries, the contribution of the service sector to GDP is about 70%, in the world - about 60%. It should be noted that the structure and composition of the service sector is undergoing qualitative changes. At the same time, the transformation data depend on a number of different factors, such as: political changes, economic growth and welfare of the country, socio-demographic indicators of the country, scientific and technological progress, and others. In CIS countries, the service sector makes up the bulk of the total GDP, except in Azerbaijan, where industry accounts for a larger percentage. In Kazakhstan, the services sector accounts for more than 50%, which significantly exceeds the share of industry and agriculture in GDP. The growth of well-being and improvement of people’s lifestandard lead to selectivity with regard to consumption of services, which gives impetus to increasing the competitiveness of services. The key factors affecting the competitiveness of services are the price and quality of products. At the same time, the question of the possibility of calculating the competitiveness coefficient, which would allow to rank the services produced by different service enterprises, as well as to identify services that do not meet the expectations of customers, is topical. In this regard, the article presents the author’s formula for calculating the competitiveness of services.
109-113 278
The present article shows main directions of labor resource analysis, especially the analysis of staff turnover. Labor resource analysis allows to make sure in accordance between enterprise personnel management and development strategies, as well as accordance between regulations of social and labor relations laws, rules, regulations and procedures that define this activity. Based on the results of this analysis, direction of changes or improvement of standards can be defined. An analysis of labor indicators in general and the analysis of the labor force in particular contribute to reshuffle that improves qualitative composition of the labor force, to promotion of the most promising employees and to the development of creative activity. Staff turnover is a difference between left workers and workers who came to the organization. Staff turnover can be costly to both workers and employers. Staff turnover costs include increasing social security costs, unemployment benefits, severance pay, equipment downtime, costs of recruitment and selection of staff. High staff leakage rates could destabilize the business and reduce motivation of those who are trying to maintain a level of service and product quality on the background of vacant posts, inexperience of new employees and the general dissatisfaction. Thus, the analysis of turnover as an integral part of human resource management requires detailed information on the length of service of retiring employees in order to identify problem areas and provide the basis for projections on the proposal.
114-118 268
The article deals with the development of the most important factors of the decline in the standard of living of the population. Unemployment as a phenomenon that causes economic and psychological difficulties creates a tense situation in society. Unemployment poses a serious threat to the social and economic state of society. The existence of this phenomenon is to some extent considered as an indicator of the level of social development of society, and the methods of combating it are constantly being improved. The growing tension in the labor market occurs as a result of an absolute decrease in the number of employees in the republic, an increase in the proportion of employees on administrative leave, a reduction in the actual working time to an average of four working days a week, and an increase in the proportion of part-time workers. Problems of employment, unemployment and labor mobility are always at the center of attention of scientific, public, political and economic activities of the relevant departments, organizations and enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan. They are becoming increasingly important at the present stage of the post-crisis recovery of the global economy.
119-125 418
Labor market, in contrast to other types of market is characterized by a high degree of uncertainty, especially the operation, since it has to deal with a specific item. In this regard, the study of formation processes, the labor market and the development of an adequate regulatory framework is one of the priorities to be addressed in the near future for Kazakhstan. In foreign and domestic economic literature different, competing with each other, labor market theories developed. However, they have much in common, since they are based on the recognition of the leading role of market mechanisms at work. Two classes of theories can be distinguished among them: classical and radical that complement each other. For modern Kazakhstan the term «labor market» is a very complex and in many ways the new socio-economic category, with respect to which a consensus in economic theory has not been formed yet. However, according to most researchers, the labor market should be seen as a system of socio-economic and social relations between its subjects. The presence of specific goods (labor) in the labor market which has a number of characteristic properties, makes its functioning special. A variety of approaches to the identification of labor market functions are determined by role-working functions of a certain period in the development of society.
126-131 379
The article deals with social, economic and institutional aspects of the development of gender relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan. To determine the content of the results of the Gender Equality Strategy in the Republic of Kazakhstan and identify the problems of gender equality in the country that can be solved in the future are the purposes of the study conducted by the authors of the article. Strategy in Kazakhstan for the period 2006-2016 are considered. The article defines the system for ensuring the development of gender relations in the Republic of Kazakhstan, identifies the achievements of gender equality in public and political life, in economy, education and family, analyzes the sociological survey of the population on gender equality issues, identifies the problems of gender equality in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The ambitiousness of the goal, the magnitude of the tasks required an integrated approach, a mixed strategy and a combination of methods. Achievement of gender balance means equal legal protection, proportional representation of the sexes in government bodies, equal distribution of loads in the family, equal opportunities in all spheres. The authors present the results of a sociological survey on gender equality issues, which take into account the problems of gender equality and suggest possible ways to solve them. The results of the implementation of the Gender Equality Strategy for 2006-2016 in Kazakhstan are considered.
132-139 678
Today, the functioning of the state finances is carried out in difficult economic conditions. The business activity of enterprises, small and medium-sized businesses decreases, which leads to a decrease in tax revenues. The development of globalization also has a negative impact on the domestic economy and state finances. The problems of slowing economic activity require that the state take more active use of the budget revenues to increase and stimulate the growth of the domestic economy because of the favorable pricing environment. The article deals with the problems of execution of the state budget of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A number of issues characterizing the financial policy of the state as insufficiently effective is identified. Including horizontal and vertical imbalances in the budgets, the dependence of incomes in local budgets on transfers from the Republican budget, the lack of effective mechanism of differentiation of incomes between levels of budgetary system, revealing violations of financial discipline. The authors conducted a comprehensive analysis of the structure and dynamics of revenues and expenditures of the state budget, on the basis of comparative analysis of budget execution for the previous period the trends that determine the performance of the budget parameters. The problems of interbudgetary relations were separately distinguished, the necessity of qualitative revision of the forms and methods of their regulation was highlighted. The authors studied the problems of formation of local budgets. Based on the analysis of the structure of their income the factors of the decrease in tax revenues were identified. The authors’ position is based on the need to strengthen the capacities of local authorities in the formation of profitable base of budgets, increase their sources of income. In order to address these problems a series of recommendations aimed at strengthening the revenues of local budgets, increase of efficiency of budgetary funds and quality of state financial control have been proposed.
140-146 711
The article discusses the issues of interaction of two sectors important for any economy, on the success of interaction of which depends not only the effectiveness of their subjects’ functioning, but also the progressive development of the entire economy. The author analyzes problems that not only have not lost their importance at the present stage of the economy development, but have become aggravated due to the combined negative impact of factors related to such modern trends as devaluation and inflationary, globalization and integration processes, external shocks and geopolitical risks. The author’s ideas are reflected in his concept of a systemic interaction between the banking and real sectors of the economy, which is based on the idea of concentrating the efforts of subjects of interaction and the state from the point of view of management and regulation based on the potential of the subjects of interaction, a reasonable combination of incentive and regulatory measures of the state, and accounting features of the main stages of the economic cycle at all levels of the economy. In this connection, it is proposed to change the vector of the countercyclical principle implementation from the point of creation of a countercyclical reserve in the favorable years of economic development through the integrated use of the whole range of stimulating measures of the state in order to succeed in the next wave of recession to form stable informal institutions of behavior of banks and enterprises that can continue their independent interaction in crisis.
147-153 219
The effectiveness of the process of accumulation of a country’s financial resources depends on existence of attractive investment instruments that must be transformed along with market needs. An important element in a market economy is the development of financial intermediation. The absence of intermediation is a barrier to movement of capital across main segments of financial market and, most importantly, across financial market and real sector of a country’s economy because such redistribution of capital becomes possible only due to existence and ration al use of financial instruments. Financial instruments become the efficient means of smooth and timely supply of required resources to the sectors of economy that need them most at the particular moment of time. It should be noted that transformation of the financial instruments’ market is accompanied not only by internal rearrangements, but also affects external integration processes. The globalization process serves as the basis for this situation. The issue of capital outflow occurs when there is the deficit of liquid instruments. Immaturity of the corporate securities’ market, where there is no demand for Kazakhstani corporations’ shares and bonds, exacerbates the situation on the financial market that stops fulfilling its mission to support permanent redistribution of capital.
154-159 309
The article reveals the main tendencies of formation and development of local self-government in the Republic of Kazakhstan. Effective development of local self-government as a whole influences the country’s prosperous development, since this level of the power vertical directly interacts with the population in solving important social and economic problems of local importance, which facilitates the establishment of trust between the authorities and the population, and, in general, the formation of a positive image of the local authorities. In general, the system of local self-government is consistently developing in our country. At the same time, there are still a number of unresolved issues that are a deterrent to this process. The low level of involvement of the population in the decision-making process related to the issues of vital activity of the local community is due not only to the insufficient level of information and explanatory work, as well as to the legal literacy of rural residents, regarding the understanding of their rights and opportunities in the implementation of local government. In order to find ways to improve and build the capacity of local self-government, an analysis of the domestic and foreign legislative framework governing local self-government issues has been conducted. As a result of the research, problematic aspects of the formation of the Kazakhstan model of local self-government were revealed and recommendations for their solution were developed.
160-165 283
Due to limited access to international financial markets and the increased insufficiency of banks’ own assets, the merger scenario of individual banks is becoming more relevant, and will be aimed at creating an additional margin of safety in the financial sector. The traditional banking sector, both Kazakhstan and the world, show their inability to cope fully with crisis phenomena. In this regard, there is a need to develop new models and forms of the banking system, taking into account the new world requirements. There is a need to create an effective financial system related to the real production process and provided with real assets. A special role is played by Islamic financial instruments, directly related to the production process and allowing localizing existing risks. The article is devoted to the issues of Islamic finance in Kazakhstan as one of the alternative sources of funding the country’s economy in order to promote its diversification and further economic growth. Based on research and data from various sources about Kazakhstan, the possibilities of Islamic finance for the economy of Kazakhstan were analyzed. Thus, the authors of the article show new opportunities for increasing the investor base in Kazakhstan due to Islamic financing and diversification of funding sources, since Islamic financing instruments are distinguished by their diversity and elasticity.
166-170 866
Long term assets ensure proper functioning of the business and it’s equipment, by the means of which goods are produced and services are rendered. During the operating activity the value of long term assets changes on a constant basis that affects the company’s expenditures, financial profit and competitiveness. The value of the company’s long term assests and the sources of capital expenditures as well as expenses and financial results on long term assets transactions play an essential role for potential investors and shareholders to make and adequate investment decision and to assess potential economic benefits. However the existing accounting indicators does not allow to obtain information about long-term tangible assets to make proper management decisions. The necessity of stating the accounting system of long term tangible assets in compliance with market economy conditions and international accounting standards, and the insufficient development of theoretical and practical aspects of accounting for long-term tangible assets depict the relevance of the problem under study. Based on the analysis of classification of intangible assets and fixed assets, the author developed a classification of the company’s assets. The application of the classifier at various levels of aggregation is suggested.
171-176 379
One of the priority tasks of increasing the competitiveness of a modern bank is the development of banking management and marketing, which changes the vector of relations between the bank and its clients in the direction of strengthening the role of the latter. The most relevant at the present time are methods of managing banking marketing. They allow more complete analysis of the banking market and its individual segments, as well as offering and implementing new banking products. The complex of bank marketing, especially the development of a strategy for the emergence of credit institutions on the retail market, should be formed taking into account the needs of the modern consumer. Now marketing is considered as a manifestation of creativity, which distinguishes the company from all others, because the most effective is the one that was developed directly, taking into account all the conditions of the company’s internal environment and external conditions. To date, the development of marketing concepts in Kazakhstan’s markets can be defined as the process of moving from a sales orientation towards consumer orientation. The analysis of the functioning of marketing activities conducted by Kazakh companies has clearly shown that maintaining sales promotion is considered to be the most important aspects in marketing, while much time is spent for studying the needs of consumers.
177-181 378
The article discusses the methodology of enterprise financial state assessment. For the assessment of the financial state of enterprise it is possible to use the special methods of financial analysis. The method of temporal (horizontal) analysis in fact is comparing of every position of accounting to the previous period and allows to estimate the absolute and relative dynamics of different reasons of the financial reporting. The method of structural (vertical) analysis consists of determination of structure of total scores with the exposure of influence of every position of accounting on a result on the whole and allows to estimate the structural changes of assets and sources of their coverage. Conclusions on the economic reading of balance are preliminary, they carry the generalized character and in the future require confirmation and specification on the stages of analysis of liquidity, solvency and financial stability. Liquidity of balance is determined on liquidity of the assets reflected in it. Under liquidity of asset its ability to be transformed in monetary resources is understood. The degree of liquidity is determined by duration period of time during which transformation of asset can be carried out in monetary resources. If actual value of liquidity ratios less than theoretically allowed level, then a firm is estimated as insolvent, and a conclusion of transactions with it is extremely risky.
182-188 401
In modern conditions the need to address one of the priority sectors of the economy - agriculture increases, by increasing the role and availability of credit for farmers, improvement of credit conditions, increase of efficiency of activity of monetary institutions engaged in lending to the agricultural sector and the development of the forms of their support. In Kazakhstan the state pays great attention to support the agricultural sector by providing subsidy, lending. The role of the national holding «KazAgro» has also to be mentioned. The activity of the holding covers the issues of implementation of state policy in the field of food security, crediting, insurance of agricultural enterprises, development of agricultural markets and rural development. But currently being manufactured in industry production is not competitive compared to foreign analogues; the level of labor productivity and material-technical base of enterprises often do not meet modern requirements, which leads to the need to improve state support of crediting, development of the infrastructure of the credit market, improving credit conditions. The aim of the study was to determine the role and importance of financial support for agriculture and participation of state, commercial banks and national holding «KazAgro» in it.
189-193 703
The article examines the issues of acceptability of different methods of assessing borrowers’ creditability. The study of the creditability of the customer is one of the most important methods of credit risk mitigation and the successful implementation of the credit policy because it allows to avoid taking unnecessary risks at the stage of consideration of an application for a loan. Creditability of the borrower depends on many factors, to assess and calculate each of them is not easy. A large part of the indicators of creditability analyzed in practice bases on data for the past period or any reporting date, however, all of them subject to the distorting influence of inflation. Some difficulties are caused by the identification and quantification of some factors, such as the reputation of the borrower. In addition, a variety of methods and approaches to solve this problem is used, not exclusive, but complementing each other in the complex and they make an assessment of borrower’s creditability correspond to reality. It is obvious that Russian banks need global changes in the practice of assessing the creditability of clients. In Kazakh banks this system should also be revised. At present, the most justified, in our opinion, is an integrated approach to assessing the creditability of the borrower as a whole. Therefore, the transition to a single methodology for assessing the banks creditability is very important for targeted financing of this segment both in Russian and in Kazakh banks.


194-198 225
The most part of the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan is made by natural resources which can be used in economic purposes only through development of active tourist travel, but tourist firms of Kazakhstan in scanty volumes use such travel in the work because of a shortcoming of the qualified instructors of tourism. During the Soviet period of development of Kazakhstan the network of schools, courses of training tourism instructors from the republican level to city and regional clubs of tourism has been developed and effectively worked. Financing of this system was carried out by Kaztursovet. Now there is no centralized financing therefore the actual problem is search of alternative system of training of tourism instructors. Experience of training tourism instructors, taking into account long-term Soviet experience, has been collected at the Turan university since 1992. In 2012 when at the university the object has been set - to develop the alternative system of training of trourism instructors from among students of the university, within the curriculum «Tourism». For the achievement of the goal four tasks were carried out: to analyse all state standard and legal documents of the Republic of Kazakhstan regulating preparation, retraining and professional development of tourism instructors; to create necessary educational means for training of instructors; to pick up the qualified instructor structure for training of cadets; to define an order of certification and registration at the state level of the trained experts.
199-203 714
In modern conditions, it is necessary and very important to have qualitative and quantitative development of hospitality sphere for Kazakhstan. Any hotel enterprise is exposed to risks related to its production, commercial, intermediary and other economic activities. The risk factor forces hotel executives to save financial and material resources, and to calculate the effectiveness of new projects. It determines the risk of loss of resources or income shortfalls compared to rational use of resources. Therefore, under the influence of threats and risks, the hotel company is forced to constantly improve its defense mechanisms. The risk in the activity of a hotel enterprise is the likelihood that an enterprise incurs losses or expenses in the case of a management decision being made, but not carried out, or if an error was made there. It is also necessary to take into account both force majeure circumstances or circumstances of undeterminable strength, as they differ from other types of risks by more serious and global consequences. In the article the authors give a classification of risks in the hotel and restaurant business. The main types of risks, negative consequences of their manifestation are considered. The analysis of risks of the enterprises of hotel business of Kazakhstan is carried out. Possible ways to minimize them are identified. Recommendations for localization and neutralization of hospitality risk factors have been developed.


204-209 276
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) are an important component of economics of the countries. In developed countries the SME account for the significant part of GDP. SME owners are considered as a middle class with high level of income. This results in a creation of the basis for social stability in mentioned countries. The SMEs’ growth in Kazakhstan is unsatisfactory. Although the government is taking the actions on the SME sector, their contribution to the economy is extremely small. The problem of SME in Kazakhstan is its low level of contribution to GDP and is characterized by quality achievements. SME produce only a few high technological goods and services. Therefore it is necessary to identify the causes of slow growth of SME in the country. It is necessary to identify barriers against the SME growth in Kazakhstan. For this purpose it is important to research extensively all the factors which affect the rapid and effective growth of the SME. Finding key solutions for creating an effective mechanism of the SME growth in Kazakhstan defines the scientific and practical significance of the this article. Small and medium business represents an important part of the economy, contributing to an increase in the production of gross domestic product and thereby strengthening the competitiveness of countries.
210-214 372
Use of outsourcing is considered as a global tendency in business during long period. It can be called as a productive approach for business model enhancement, within that is optimization of business processes, and as a tool for improving of production efficiency. Moreover, in the case of need for further development in commercial activities, outsourcing is considered as the best way not only for productivity improvement but for crisis management implementation. In today’s world, outsourcing is one of the most attractive and beneficial methods of doing business. So, it is very important to understand meaning and essence of outsourcing for its fruitful use in enterprise activities. Nowadays the necessity of outsourcing use is widely discussed by economists and managers. It is paid attention on the fact that outsourcing is being actively implemented in foreign companies from absolutely distinctive spheres of business. As a result many scientists have been widely involved in investigation of outsourcing aspects. At the present time outsourcing is being actively implemented. There was examined economic essence, practical importance in the article and a theoretical fundament of the problem on the basis of Russian and Western scientists approach. Theoretical material, definition, terms, and scientific approach of articles from 1985 to 2014 were used in the article.
215-218 204
In the conditions of the innovation-oriented market economy, Kazakhstani enterprises face the problem of a flexible operational response to the instability of the market environment, on the one hand, and the formation of a long-term competition policy and enterprise development strategy, on the other. In this regard, the strategic management of enterprises is of particular importance. The system of strategic management is one of the most effective ways to improve the efficiency of modern enterprise management. Modern enterprises of various industries function in conditions of high complexity, uncertainty and dynamism of the surrounding socio-economic environment. Rigid, inertial organization of enterprise management does not allow to react instantly to changes in market requirements. But the main thing is not only in increasing competition, but also in the fact that it acquires new forms. The main condition for winning the competition is the ability of long-term anticipation and consistent implementation of various innovations in the range of products and services, in technology, in management, etc. In order to survive and develop in this environment, enterprises need to resort to strategic management tools. Choosing a strategy for the company is a very difficult task, however, it is even more difficult to find tools for evaluating the results of the strategy that will reduce the costs of implementing the strategy, which effectively affects the company’s business. Strategic management of enterprises is impossible without taking into account the external environment and its changes, in this regard, enterprises need not only to predict the state of markets, but also take into account the strategy of social and economic development of the region, “build in” and influence its implementation.
219-224 229
In the present article questions of the budgetary relations in the context of decentralization of the interbudgetary relations as a result of which there is an implementation of programs of social and economic development of regions (local budgets) in particular, and the states in general are considered. The interbudgetary relations are presented from the point of view of the budgetary administration concerning the specification of non-productive payments of local budgets. The structure of creation of the budgetary system of the Republic of Kazakhstan is also defined and schematically presented. The existing approaches and the main aspects to determination of essence of local budgets are generalized: economic category, the financial plan, main component and methods of management at the level of local governments. The aspect of decentralization concerning delegation of functions and powers of the budgetary process to local budgets is considered that promotes strengthening of the grassroots levels of bodies of a local authority, broadening of powers of akims of rural districts, authorization of administrators of the budgetary programs. The value of the existing budgeting focused on results which serves as the instrument of increase in efficiency of the public expenditures is presented, it defines the final results of expenditure of budgetary funds and indicators as a result of which the objectives of state policy, in particular quality of the rendered services to recipients are achieved.
225-230 825
In Kazakhstan there are significant problems in the agrarian science. There is a low level of financing for agricultural science, which is mainly produced from public resources, the aging contingent of scientists, low inflow of young scientists due to low motivation of work, etc. In this article, the ways of development of agricultural science and, accordingly, the receipt of a quick and effective return on scientific achievements are identified. In current situation and the lack of financial resources, it is necessary to raise the level and quality of scientific developments. This can be achieved through concentration of efforts in key areas of scientific research and the creation of an effective system for promoting scientific developments to they are used in practice. Such a system can be the creation of scientific and production clusters on the basis of scientific centers, such as AgroHAB of Kazakh National Agrarian University. Such structures already have a definite basis for scientific discoveries in the field of agriculture. The question is to accelerate the introduction of these developments to their commercial use. The effectiveness of the activities of scientific and production clusters will largely depend on the satisfaction of the needs of scientific products, i.e. commodity producers.
231-235 281
Providing the population of the Republic of Kazakhstan with dairy products is the main task of the dairy subcomplex. The existing potential and experience in the development of the industry not only make it possible to meet the needs of the population within the republic, but also contribute to the implementation of export-oriented production.The production of milk and dairy products is the second largest sector in the livestock sector. The study of the current state and directions of the development of the dairy industry, the industrial processing of milk and the sale of final products, contributes to the justification and development of recommendations on the adaptation of dairy industry organizations to the market conditions of management and the saturation of the domestic and foreign markets with dairy products. The import substitution of the food industry in Kazakhstan is one of the priorities for the state. Import substitution is a special type of economic strategy and industrial policy of the state. Since the import substitution is in the industrial sector it is aimed at protecting the domestic producer and providing the country’s population with all the necessary consumer goods, food and agricultural raw materials by replacing imported goods with goods of national production. This article describes the current state of the butter market in Kazakhstan. Namely, the analysis of the production of butter, the main producers of the butter market, as well as the analysis of imports of dairy products were carried out.
236-242 381
In the article the analytical work to identify the need for remote sensing of lands that are under threat of desertification in Almaty region is made. Desertification is a land degradation and loss of valuable soil properties as a result of various factor such as climate change or human activity. Desertification is also the result of illegal logging, the uprooting of shrubs and semi-shrubs to feed livestock and to be used as fuels, forest and steppe fires, unsystematic recreation, the landfills around populated areas, contamination of soils and groundwaters with toxic substances, the impact of transportation. This paper describes possible tools for sensing land in order to combat desertification. The research target is to find out whether any threat potential of desertification has enough serious consequences to beware of desertification. The research methodology is based on principles of epistemology and deduction. The research practical significance is defining indicators that can be considered while applying remote sensing in Almaty province for fighting and preventing risk of land desertification. The research result illustrates that thanks to development of technologic infrastructure for means of remote viewing there are many instruments for remote sensing such as moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer (MODIS).
243-246 374
Educational programs abroad, listed in this article, are the reason that many of our compatriots decide to lve in other countries. Due to the «brain drain», our country is losing its rating in the level of international competitiveness, as our citizens make a great contribution to the development of another country with their mind and knowledge. This is especially effective in the case of demographic changes in European countries (an increase in the number of older people, a decrease in the number of young children). The purpose of discussing this problem is to inform our youth that not only its minds, intellect, but also patriotic feelings are important for the development of our country, our economy and our future. The article discusses in detail the causes of these problems and suggests ways to solve them. As in everyday life, everything is also closely linked to the development of the state’s economy. Most importantly, when the economic and socio-economic situation in our country is growing, our citizens will not choose another country and will remain in our country. Proof of this are citizens who have arrived from the near abroad (Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, etc.).
247-251 264
As for today, Kazakhstan focuses on improving employment opportunities for vulnerable people, paying particular attention to young people, older workers and people with disabilities. The state provides the citizens of the country on a competitive basis, in accordance with the state educational order with free higher and postgraduate education. However, the dynamics and the share of employment of university graduates, who got education under the grant and the government order has no transparency, main factors affecting their employment were not defined. In this regard, the aim of this paper is to study the main factors affecting the employment of university graduates, trained at the expense of public funds. The methodology used in the study, is based on the creation of Logit-models, econometric models belonging to the class of such models, for the analysis of the usual methods of regression analysis cannot be applied. Here as analytical tools binary variable was used. The authors consider some aspects of interaction of subjects of the labour and educational services markets at the present stage of development, by the example of Karaganda Economic University of Kazpotrebsoyuz and institutional mechanisms of employment of graduates; the problems and the basic variable characteristics that affect the employment of graduates were revealed. In the result of study, the key external and internal problems of employment were identified, and the obtained results allowed formulating a number of recommendations for resolving the problems of employment of graduates of universities in Kazakhstan.


252-257 418
This article discusses both the formation of the theoretical foundations of universities’ PR activities, taking into account the specifics of the market of higher educational services. In conditions of the competition between universities for the target audience, the analysis of these issues is undoubtedly urgent. PR is important to promote universities. Effective use of PR, creates a positive and attractive image of the university. The role of PR is not limited to this aspect only. PR plays a global role by creating effective communications not only with the target audience, but also with the whole environment, and thus contributing to the achievement of the university’s strategic goals. The theoretical bases of conducting PR-activity considered in the article are the basic ones for the effective work of the university in this direction. Moreover, the peculiarities of educational market affect the direction of PR activities, and the development of accents in the process of applying certain PR tools. The article shows the most distinctive features of higher educational institutions’ target audience from the author’s point of view, and the nature of their influence on the universities’ PR activity. This direction is connected with the transfer of PR activity to the Internet space and, first of all, on social networking sites, where the contemporary young generation basically draws the information it needs.


258-260 183
The article discusses the results of the round table on the topic “Karl Marx: 200 years later” devoted to the prominent German philosopher, economist and publicist Karl Marx. The anniversary of the German scientist caused a huge resonance and interest in the whole world. In Trier (Germany), the city where Karl Marx was born, an extensive jubilee program was held, dedicated to the 200th anniversary of his birth. The federal state of Rhineland-Palatinate, in which Trier is located, the city administration organized a large-scale exhibition in the homeland of Marx about the life and work of this outstanding thinker, influenced by the ideas of which epoch-making events took place in the politics of the XIX and XX centuries. Marx’s works have become an integral and important part of world culture, so that without studying his economic, philosophical and political heritage it is impossible to become a real economist or political scientist. This is well understood in the USA: according to the information of the Open Syllabus Explorer portal, the “Manifesto” by Marx and Engels takes the 4th place in the list of books that are included by the teachers of US universities in the curriculum. And in six states, including New Jersey, New Hampshire, Washington and Michigan, it comes first. According to the Library of Congress, more scientific works are devoted to Marx than to any other person. The round table was attended by Kazakhstani scientists (political economists, philosophers, sociologists, historians), business representatives.
261-265 244
The article is dedvoted to the 200th anniversary of the birth of K. Marx. K. Marx is an author of the classical definition of political economy as a science that studies the laws of production and exchange at different stages of the development of society. He developed the socio-economic formation as a natural historical process. He discovered the dual nature of labor embodied in the product. The features of the categories «alienation», «fetishism», «transformed forms» were also revealed. K. Marx carefully analyzed the internal structure of the universal form of capital and its contradictions, the nature of the labor force as a commodity and the features of the reserve army of labor, formal and real subordination of labor to capital. He recorded the main contradictions of simple commodity and capitalist production, the essence of the law of the correspondence between productive forces and production relations. The formation of the economic law of capitalist society was of fundamental importance, in particular, the law of the production of surplus value, the growth of the organic structure of production, the average rate of profit to decline, and the faster growth of the means of production over the means of consumption. He presented an excellent picture of the famous schemes of reproduction and economic cycles of production development, for example, in the textile industry of England for the period from 1815 to 1865. The methodology of Karl Marx’s «Capital», although very complex, is also applicable to the analysis of the economic structure of any society, especially for considering the early stages of the development of a society, when contradictions, conflicts and antagonisms appear in the most vivid form.
266-268 236
A number of events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the outstanding Kazakh scientist, public figure, academician T.A. Ashimbaev, was held in the spring of 2018 at the University of Turan. On April 18, 2018, a round table was held on the theme «The Role of the Personality of Academician TA. Ashimbaev in the development of Kazakhstan’s economic science «, within the framework of which the discussion of the scientific contribution of Academician T.A. Ashimbaev in the development of Kazakhstan’s economic science was discussed. Reports were made by undergraduates and doctoral students of the University of Turan». Round table «The Economy of Kazakhstan in the Conditions of Technological Modernization», dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Academician T.A. Ashimbaev, was held May 15, 2018. The leading scientists-economists of the Republic of Ka­zakhstan took part in the round table. The topical issues of the development of the economy of Kazakhstan in the conditions of technological modernization were discussed: technological policy in the conditions of modern global challenges; innovative entrepreneurship: incubation of venture firms, transfer of technologies, technologies of cities and technoparks; introduction of new technologies and industrial modernization in conditions of digitalization of the economy; strategy of economic development of regions, based on new technologies.
269-275 165
Academician T. Ashimbaev in his works defined the task of improving the system of target indicators of economic development and put special emphasis on the development of its methodology for improving its effectiveness. The dynamics of intensive production factors in his works in sustained speed of economic growth have been and scientifically justified. Here we have tried to show the place of academician Ashimbaev within scientific substantiation of the economic doctrine, which is devoted to the 50th anniversary of planning work. The dynamics of intensive production factors in his work was aimed at ensuring the sustainability of economic growth and from a scientific point of view the idea was justified. In the article we tried to depict T. Ashimbaev’s scientific potential on his speech at the conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of planned works on improving the mechanisms of economic planning and management, which, according to him, was conducted in different directions, as a result of which comprehensive approaches to solving urgent problems of development of tools and economic indicators of planning were developed. One of these areas was the work with program-target indicators of planning, which are key in determining the scale of production, its quantitative and qualitative parameters, in assessing the effectiveness of economic activity of enterprises. According to T. Ashimbaev, the main drawback of the current system of planning indicators is that the assessment of the activities of enterprises is mainly carried out on the basis of quantitative indicators, which, as practice shows, can be achieved at different levels of production costs and most often with incomplete use of resources, which is typical for the extensive method of management. According to T. Ashimbaev, the planned estimates should be «resource», i.e. to be developed taking into account the cause-effect relationships of the used resources.

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ISSN 1562-2959 (Print)
ISSN 2959-1236 (Online)